What is the Wholly Meaning of 144,000?


First of all, we find the length of exactly 144.000 natural days in the Mayan Long Count calendar (which ended last year, 2012). This period of 144.000 days and nights is called a Bak’tun, which equals 20 Ka’tun, or 20 x 20 Tun. Each period of a Tun contains exactly 360 natural days, which is the same amount as a circle has degrees of arch. That is why all the Mayan calendars are circular.


The Mayan Long Count calendar contains exactly 13 Bak’tuns. These are the 7 ‘Days’ of Creation, as mentioned in the Bible, together with 6 intermediate ‘Nights’ (apparently ‘forgotten’ to mention in the Holy Bible, where ‘Holy’ means ‘full of holes’). As nearly always, the truth has been put upside down, to deliberately misguide ignorant people. The correct process of Creation consists of 7 ‘Nights’ and 6 intermediate ‘Days’, as correctly shown on the US flag, where the 7 red stripes represent the nights and the 6 white stripes in between the days.


The Maya refer to these 7 ‘Nights’ and 6 ‘Days’ as the 13 Tones. These 13 Tones are also the 8 tones of an octave with the 5 intermediate semi-tones. We also find these 13 Tones in the Mayan Tzol’kin calendar. The original version of this Wholly calendar differs essentially from the more popular version of this Mayan calendar named ‘Dreamspell’. Please distinguish between both versions of the Tzol’kin.


The Maya also speak (or spoke) about the ending of the Fifth Sun. If we take the total length of the Long Count calendar and multiply it 5 times, then we almost arrive at the length of the precessional cycle (also known as the precession of the Equinoxes), with just a slight margin of error of only 1%.


Furthermore, 144 is the square number of a dozen. Ever since the human civilization of Sumer, we use the amount of 6 as a universal unity. A Yin 6 combined with a Yang 6 gives a total of 12. Therefore, we have 12 hours on a clock-face and also 12 star constellations in the Zodiac. In both cases, it is about a full circle. The European Union flag also shows 12 pentagrams forming a full circle. In the correct Fibonacci sequence (meaning starting with 1 1 2) the number 144 is also the 12th number. Just like the 24th number and all following multiples on the same position (of 12 and 24), all these Fibonacci numbers have the numerological value of 9. Wholly Science offers much more insight in this, like the relation between the Enneagram and the figure Marko Rodin revealed (which I call the ‘Tres Motus’).


Next, the original version of Bible book of Revelations refers even twice to the relation of the number 144.000 and the spot in the middle of the forehead. Naturally, this spot is a reference to the so called third eye (chakra), which is in fact the pineal gland. We now know that this endocrine gland in the middle of our brain indeed consists of 144.000 magnetic sand-like particles. The pineal gland is also called the Throne of God. It is such a shame that all religious believers can be fooled about the true nature of God. Wholly Science on the other hand shows exactly what God really is.


Furthermore, in the ancient writings of India speak of 72,000 nadis in the human body. In two complementary bodies (male and female), we find together 144,000 nadis. The literal meaning of ‘nadi’ is river. This refers to a river system (similar to the veins) for the internal transport of the subtle life energies, which in Ancient India was called prana.


Finally, did you know that the outer mantle of the Great Pyramid on the Giza plateau originally was composed of 144,000 (shiny) casing stones?



Wholly Science is the Upgrade plus Integration

of Science, Religion and Health Care.



© March 5th, 2013 – Johan Oldenkamp – Pateo.nl – Wholly Science