P R E S S   R E L E A S E


Scientific proof that Santa and Jesus are white


Last Wednesday, Megyn Kelly of Fox News said on live American television that both Santa and Jesus are white. Thereafter, she received an avalanche of accusations (link). Terrified of all allegations of racism, she therefore weakened her words last Friday (link).


Last November, there was a national debate in the Netherlands about the “Black Jacks”, the helpers of the white Saint Nicholas. By focusing on the whiteness of Santa, Megyn Kelly did start a similar debate in the US. However, what the ignorant Americans and the ignorant Dutch so obviously do not know is that both Santa and the Black Jacks do not depict human beings. Instead, they are personifications of celestial beings. White in this personification means “luminous”, while black means “not luminous”. These properties are thus absolutely not referring to skin color, according to the independent scientific research of all-round scientist Dr. Johan Oldenkamp, author of 28 books. More information on this can be found on his multilingual website Pateo.nl (link).


Related video:

o        Videos (½ hour in total): Santa is Jesus (link)


Related article:

o        “Black Jacks” Scientifically Explained (link)


Previous Press Release:

o        Santa is Jesus (link)





Not for publication:

The telephone number of Johan Oldenkamp is: +316 1676 4494. His e-mail address is Johan @ Pateo.nl (without spaces).


This Press Release is also available in Romanian (link) and in Dutch (link).



© 2013 December 16 – Pateo.nl : Wholly Science