Before doing this test, you probably should first read this:


The Truth Will Set You Free




Conscious-Wakefulness Test


Many people assume that they are consciously fully awake. Perhaps we all assume this. After all, how could we be conscious of our lack of wakefulness?


Anyway, are you willing to do a little test in order to determine your own degree of conscious wakefulness? In this test, I am not the one to differentiate between true and false, but I will come back to this after you have done this test, if you please.


Simply take a piece of paper and a pen or pencil, or any other tool you prefer, and for instance draw a small vertical line every time you answers a statement with “True”. Here are the statements:


Historic Statements (in reversed chronological order):




In 2001, the twin towers of the World Trade Center in New York City collapsed due to the aftermath of incoming airliners.




In 1969, the Apollo 11 mission successfully brought man to the moon.




In 1963, Lee Harvey Oswald shot and killed John F. Kennedy.




In 1945, the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki were destroyed by the detonation of atomic bombs.




During World War II, six million Judaic believers were murdered.




In 1912, the British passenger liner “Titanic” sank in the North Atlantic Ocean after colliding with an iceberg.




About 2000 years ago, a man born in Bethlehem was crucified on Mount Golgotha near Jerusalem at the age of 33.




The first chapters of the Book of Genesis were originally written in Hebrew.





Scientific Statements:




Petroleum is a fossil fuel.




Gravity is an independent force of nature.




Human beings evolved naturally out of ape beings.




Radio Carbon (C14) Dating is a valid method for ages over 4000 years.




Climate changing is the result of human-caused CO2 emissions.




The upper tectonic plates are floating around on the surface of this planet.





So, what is your score? How many times did you decided that a statement was true according to your understanding?


Interpretation of Your Score

For none of these statements, there is any supporting evidence at all. Therefore, if you think that one or more of these statements is true, then you have assumed it to be true. You thus believed it to be true without investigating the facts. Otherwise you would have discovered the lack of supporting evidence. Therefore, the more “True’s” you have selected, the more gullible you are and the more consciously asleep you are.


Believing versus knowing

You are free to believe whatever you want. However, when you are consciously awake, you will choose the question mark for a believed statement, as you do not know for sure that it is true. You believe it to be true, and therefore you do not know this.



The Latin word Pateo means ‘no longer hidden’. The purpose of the website Pateo.NL is to reveal the liberating truth about everything. In addition to the above mentioned official claims, there are still many more falsehoods offered as truths by the governments, the news media, the universities, and the so-called health care. This website aims to not only expose these deceiving lies, but also and foremost to explain the real truths.



The website Pateo.NL is hosted in the Netherlands. In general, the extension of .NL means Nether-Lands, which is a phonetic translation of the Dutch word Nederlanden meaning ‘lowlands’; please note that Holland is the name of only the western part of these lowlands. Furthermore, the word ‘Dutch’ comes from Deutsch, which is German for German.


The .NL behind Pateo refers not to a country, but instead to Natural Logic.



© 2014 December 23 – : Wholly ScienceJohan Oldenkamp


(This article is also available in Dutch: link)