Mind Control


The literal meaning of the word “government” means “mind control”. The Latin word “mens” means “mind”, and to govern means to control. The word “government” was intentionally created in order to correctly name the concealed nature the mind control program of the State (or a union of States). Via its government, the State tries to trick nescient people into ignorant believers of the legality of its man-made laws. This deception is used because mind control is a very effective and efficient way to maintain slavery. Just a very small group (named the Control Freaks) has enslaved humanity via mind control. To do so, they have created the fictitious State.


Each State only exists on paper. Each State is merely a paper-based fiction based on a belief system. The truth is that no State is real, and neither are the regular systems that are under the (in-) direct control of the State’s government, which are all belief systems:

o       the legal system

o       the financial system

o       the schooling system

o       the disease care system

o       the food regulation system

o       the history recording system

o       the slavery and violence system



By unlawfully copying the patented idea of the Law of God, the State created its own unlawful legal system. Just like the State itself, also its legal system is a paper-based fiction. In reality, the State is a disguised corporation. The main question then becomes: Who (legally) owns this corporation? Also this ownership is a paper-based fiction, but still it might be very insightful to know who these self-proclaimed owners are.



The currency of our confused society has no real value. Its value is solely a social construction. Also money is a belief system. The only real currencies in a truthful human society are time and attention. That is why we spent time, and we pay attention. Nearly all people worship money as their greatest idol. By doing so, they allow their real currency to get wasted. In order find the truth, only the real currencies of time and attention have value. It requires all our attention during most of our time. Do you really want to know the truth?



If education is so good for us, then why does the government force innocent children to be drilled and brain washed? The truth is that the government-approved education system is compulsory in order to try to control as much as possible the minds of its victims.



If humanity is really that clever, why does the mortality keep on increasing? And why are most governments forcing their citizens to take a disease care insurance policy? The truth is that the government-approved disease care system impairs the natural health maintenance system.



The government pretends to regulate food safety. The truth is that the government-approved food regulation system allows the addition of mind-impairing toxins. Even though the approved maximum dosages are small, these toxins remain in our bodies, where they accumulate into an extreme harmful toxic cocktail. To make it even worse, the government is also responsible for the toxics in tap water, in the air, and in the materials that are present in our environment.



The government also tries to control the past by recording only the officially approved version of all historic events. Among the greatest historic lies up to now are the non-existing Nazi Holocaust during the second world war, the staged moon landings starting in 1969, and the staged terrorists attacks of 9/11 in 2001.


Slavery and Violence

The implicit claim underlying our “civilization” is that the State owns all its citizens. To enact upon this tacit claim, the State creates a paper-based fiction called “legal person” for each citizen. The word “person” originates from the Latin word “persona”, meaning mask. Ignorant people identify themselves with the mask the State created for them. As the State created these persons, the State pretends to own the corresponding people. This owner treats its property at its discretion. The truth is that all people who identify themselves with their State mask are slaves of the State, who are forced to pay taxes. Furthermore, the State legalized the use of violence by officers of the State. According to its own fictitious rules, most States claimed the monopoly on violence. The shocking truth is that the violent State became the real terrorist.


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© 2014 January 5 – Pateo.nl : Wholly ScienceJohan Oldenkamp


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