Pateo Newsletter
(of October 15,
On the Meaning of Santa
Why is Santa white?
What do we get when we pronounce “ebola”
Wanted: a publisher for the Wholly Science textbook
is Santa white?
The story of Santa Claus
emerged from the story of Saint Nicholas. In the
do we get when we pronounce “ebola” backwards?
Some songs, when played
backwards, produce remarkable texts. For instance, when played backwards, the
Beatles song “Revolution
Anyone who really dives
into what is misleadingly labeled as “virus infections” sooner or later
discovers that these infections allegedly caused by viruses do not really
exist. Viruses and other micro-organisms such as bacteria and fungi are never
the natural cause of anything, as they are always part of the result of
something. Furthermore, all contagious “diseases” are just labels for wide
ranges of various symptoms. For instance, AIDS (Acquired Immuno-Deficiency
Syndrome) is not a real syndrome, and is most certainly not caused by HIV
(Human Immunodeficiency Virus), which is not at all a real virus. Neither ebola is a real virus, nor are there viruses involved in
bird flu, Swine Flu,
a publisher for the Wholly Science
As announced in the previous
Pateo Newsletter, all thirteen chapters of the ultimate full-color Wholly Science textbook are available as
consecutive e-books for $ 6,83 each (or € 5.00), payable via PayPal or money transfer. The title of this textbook is “Wholly Science; On
understanding it all”, and it has in total 422 pages, filled with many
full-color figures and photo’s. The price of the complete book is $ 41 or € 30.
See the homepage of (link)
for the details. However, some prefer a hard copy over a digital copy. I am
therefore looking for a publisher that wants to publish this book in color. Can
you get me into contact with such a publisher, then
please do so. I thank you in advance for that!
Thank you for reading this
newsletter (and possibly also forwarding it, and/or republishing it).
With Love and Wisdom,
Johan Oldenkamp
: Wholly Science ( - the Reunification of pure Science and true Spirituality - )
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