Pateo Newsletter

(of January 12, 2015)

On the French False Flag Attack


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o       Shooting in Paris was a False Flag Attack

o       Coming up: Pateo Radio with Sacha Stone

o       Coming up: Pateo TV on Astrotheology

o       Who is afraid of nuclear weapons?

o       Will you join a Wholly Science Week in France?



Shooting in Paris was a False Flag Attack


Last week Thursday, I wrote a short article that explained why the shooting in Paris was a so-called false flag attack (link). While the mainstream propaganda media kept on pushing the official fake story, the alternative media massively and immediately exposed this false flag operation. Especially the footage of the staged shooting of the police officer has been exposed by many independent researchers. Furthermore, who would loose his ID card on the back seat of a hired automobile? And what about the French chief of police who supposedly committed suicide the very next day? Was he about to reveal information that would also expose this scam?


For many years now, the global control freaks terrorize humanity with false flag attacks. Adolf Hitler burned down the parliament building in 1933, after which he started his terror campaign on 9 November 1938. As November is the 11th month, this date was 9/11 (day/month). More then half a century later, in 2001, the greatest false flag attack ever took place on 9/11 (month/day). To me, it is clear that both 9/11’s (and there are even more!) refer to Revelation 9:11, meaning that the global terrorists openly worship the Devil. In the King James Bible, Revelation 9:11 is translated as follows: “And they had a king over them, which is the angel of the bottomless pit, whose name in the Hebrew tongue is Abaddon, but in the Greek tongue hath his name Apollyon.” The Hebrew word Abaddon means “place of destruction”, while the Greek title Apollyon literally means “The Destroyer.”


The recipe applied by these global devil worshippers is every time the very same. Step 1 is committing a false flag attack in order to create a sense of urgency to take drastic measures against the alleged perpetrators. Next, in step 2, gradually create a totalitarian regime. That happened in Nazi Germany after 1933. That happened in the USA after 9/11. Now, this is happening in France, after the fake shooting of last week Wednesday.



Coming up: Pateo Radio with Sacha Stone


Pateo Radio is a weekly one-hour live talk show hosted by me. Since its start in March 2012, Pateo Radio has been broadcasted over 100 times in either English or Dutch, and also once in German. On Wednesday January 21, the guest of Pateo Radio will be my CCN colleague Sacha Stone, the founder of both the Humanitad Foundation (website) and the New Earth Project (website). In this episode of the Pateo Radio talk show, Sacha and I will talk about the global uplift in consciousness that humanity is about to make in this day and age. Go to the website of and click on “Pateo Radio” (link) if you want to tune in to this live conversation on January 21st starting at 7 p.m. GMT. This starting time equals 12:00 p.m. PST, 1:00 p.m. MDT, 2:00 p.m. CDT, 3:00 p.m. EST, 8:00 p.m. CET, and 5:00 a.m. AEST (on January 22nd). Pateo Radio is brought to you via the internet radio station of (link).



Coming up: Pateo TV on Astrotheology


Thursday (January 15th), the live broadcast of Pateo TV will be about Astrotheology. I have learned a lot from great scholars of Astrotheology like Jordan Maxwell, Bill Donahue, Santos Bonacci, and Michael Tsarion. However, what I am going to present in this live two-hour internet television show has never been fully explained by these colleagues. Thursday, I will explain in detail the whole truth about Leonardo da Vinci’s famous painting titled “The Last Supper” (as I broadly revealed on December 8, 2013: link). I will guarantee that this scientific explanation will blow you away!


If you do not want to miss this live broadcasted episode of Pateo TV, then tune in via clicking on “Pateo TV” on the website of (link) on January 15th at 7 p.m. GMT. Again, this starting time equals 12:00 p.m. PST, 1:00 p.m. MDT, 2:00 p.m. CDT, 3:00 p.m. EST, 8:00 p.m. CET, and 5:00 a.m. AEST (on January 22nd). Pateo TV is brought to you via the 24/7 livestreaming internet television station of CCN ( link).



Who is afraid of nuclear weapons?


First of all, the root cause of any fear is always ignorance. That is why knowing the truth will set you free (link). This freedom most certainly means being liberated from all fears. As each fear is created in the mind, it can also be resolved in the mind. However, resolving the fear for the use of nuclear weapons is strikingly easy, as this type of weapon simply does not exist. All alleged footage of nuclear explosions were faked. For instance, the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki were destroyed by fire (probably via napalm carpet bombing), as all steel bridges and all brick walls of the office buildings at ground zero remained intact. To learn more about this scam, read the article of by Anders Björkman (link).



Will you join a Wholly Science Week in France?


Coming April, you can join the Wholly Science Starters Week and/or the Wholly Science Advanced Week, which will take place in a beautiful mansion in the northeast of France. If you are interested, then go to the Agenda on (link) to find more information on both weeks. Please send me an e-mail message if you consider joining one of these weeks (or even both).



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With Love and Wisdom,

Johan Oldenkamp : Wholly Science ( - the Reunification of pure Science and true Spirituality - )



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