Shooting in Paris was a False Flag Attack


On Wednesday January 7, 2015, shortly before noon, masked men armed with Kalasjnikovs entered the office of the satirical magazine named Charlie Hebdo (literally: “Charlie Weekly” in French) in the French capital Paris. At that moment, an editorial meeting was in progress.


The men shouted “Allahu Akbar” (“Allah is great”) and reportedly called those present by their first name, before they killed them. There are thereby twelve fatalities: eight journalists, a clerk, an attendee, and two police officers. According to the authorities, four of the injured might also loose their lives. In total, forty people were brought to safety briefly after the attack.


It is intended that it is massively believed that extremist Muslims would be behind this attack. However, it is almost evident that this was the work of a secret service, for example the Direction Centrale du Renseignement Intérieur (DCRI), the Secrétariat Général de la Défense Nationale (SGDN), the CIA and / or the Mossad.


The mainstream propaganda media immediately proclaimed that three Muslim men did this. However, the youngest of these three accused was at school during the attack. As will turn out very soon, neither of the two other defendants had anything to do with this false flag operation.


The weekly magazine Charlie Hebdo placed in 2012 its most recent satiric cartoons of the Islamic prophet Muhammad. Before that, it republished in 2006 the satiric cartoons of the Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten. If it really would have been a retaliation, it came a bit late, don’t you think?


The founder and owner of Charlie Hebdo, Philippe Val (1952), is an overt supporter of Israel and the lies upon which this unlawful state is based upon. For me, it is also obvious the Zionists commissioned by the Hassidic Rabbis are again responsible for a massacre. Of course, the general public should not get to know this, as the outrageous stigmatization of the believers in Islam has to proceed.


Do you need more facts to reach this conclusion? Then read this article.


© 2015 January 8 – : Wholly ScienceJohan Oldenkamp


This article is also available in Turkish (link) and Dutch(link).



A video with the title “FAKE PARIS SHOOTING BLANKS 7-1-15 FRENCH SATIRE” was first uploaded to YouTube, where it immediately was deleted for a nonsense reason (“shocking and disgusting content”: link). Next, it was online via Vimeo for almost a day, until it was also deleted there (link). This video proved beyond any doubt that the shooting of one of the police officers was fake. First of all, the AK 47 assault gun used to shoot at the police officer did not give any recoil at all. Next, there was no blood, not even after a while. Apparently, the police officer also addressed the terrorist that later shot him as “chief”. As anyone who has seen this video immediately understands that this attack was fake. The global control freaks apparently pulled all their strings to get it removed as quickly as possible. However, the genie is already out of the bottle.


If you want to see this video with your own eyes, then go to this article in Dutch, and scroll down to the video directly under the image on Vimeo saying “Sorry, this video does not exist”. Thank you, Guido of, for showing this local copy!



Further reading:

o       Top 3 Charlie Hebdo Bloopers (link)