The Problem


The servants started to act as the master


In the old days, public servants served the public. Nowadays, they serve the State. Below, I will explain the essential difference between the two.


Not so long ago, the police served to protect the people. Nowadays, the police serve to control the people.


What has happened so gradually over the years? In short, the servants started to act as the master. We, the people, witnessed it, but did not do anything about. We, the people, thus silently allowed it to happen.


Without hardly any protest, most of us have given up our inalienable right to make our own decisions by allowing the State to make those decisions for us. Ignorant people think that the State is the democratically elected government of the people. Nothing could be further from the truth. The state is a corporation, meaning a private company. Just like in a company, the members of the (works) council are elected, so are the members of the parliament within a State. The government is nothing but a working team assigned by the State’s council! Just like a company’s real power does lies not with the council, the real power in the State’s (sham) democracy does not lie with the parliament (nor in their working team). Therefore, we, the people, do not have any real power at all in the State. The real power over both any company and any state always solemnly lies with the respective owners.


Who is the owner or who are the owners of the State? Our curiosity focuses our attention to that question. However, how does knowing the answer to this question help us in any way?


Anyone who examines at the functioning of the State in historical perspective, will detect the gradual change from a welfare state not so long ago towards the current development of a dictatorship. We can compare ourselves with frogs that are boiled alive by water that gradually becomes more and more warm. At first, the warming water is experienced as enjoyable, but after a while, the hot water becomes rather unpleasant. However, the heat of the water also paralyzes. Nowadays, nearly individuals are paralyzed by the legal web the State has enwrapped around them.


The method to cause this entrapment is common sense. Start by giving something desirable away for free or at least as cheap as possible, until the addiction is a fact, and then earn back the initial investment many times over by making the addicts pay a much higher price.


The biggest addiction of today is undoubtedly “money”. Who among us can live even a single day without money? Every day again, our housing, our food, our drinks, our transport, and our other facilities require money. Furthermore, those costs continue to rise. Therefore, we constantly need more money. The number of people with a structural shortage of money is growing fast. More and more people can no longer carry on in this accelerating money race. The situation of all these money victims becomes even more poignant when we understand how money is created by the financial institutions. The word “crime” is in fact a euphemism for the ultra shady practices legalized within this sector.


Another great addiction of our modern age is “health”. Due to lack of understanding of the essence of what health really us, most people settle for being “as little ill as possible”. Next, following the fraudulent practices by the financial sector, the sector that takes “care” of people who want to be “as little ill as possible” sit at the second place in the overall ranking of mass deceptions. The healthcare industry is in fact the biggest drug dealer in the world. Based on the age of each person, we therefore can fairly accurately estimate the amount of prescribed drugs to be swallowed daily. The older such an addict is, the more pillboxes are standing behind the mirror in the bathroom.


A third major addiction nowadays is “news”. Not so long ago, we used to sit down daily with our family and friends, so we could talk about our own experiences, for example during dinner. Those who wanted, watched the evening news on the television to see what is happened on that day in the rest of the world. That was it! That was all the news in those days. In our current society, there is not more going on than in the past, so the amount of news must be the same. The only difference is that the threshold of what is considered to be newsworthy has been lowered quite substantially. Furthermore, not only the media plunge us into potty news, we, ourselves, do the very same to each other by means of all the modern communication tools we nowadays have at our disposal. We therefore contributed to our own addiction to new messages. Also here we find mass deception, as the mainstream media news is nothing else that monotonous propaganda filled with evocative words, distorted facts, and even outright lies. Anyone who releases news of a completely different tone to mainstream journalists, will witness how big the hidden censorship is within this so-called “free press”.



The Analysis


It is all about money


Nowadays, nearly everyone is addicted to “money”, to “as little ill as possible”, and to “news”. Not only for our money addiction, we need more money, also our “health care” addiction requires more and more money, and so does our news addiction. So it is all about money, because of these three main addictions. Therefore, the key question is: How can we rehabilitate from our money addiction?


Some seek the solution for this rehab in finding a way of life without any costs. If we can create a free shelter for ourselves and we could live from whatever nature offers us, that might probably work. In that case, we then must also have ended our addictions to “health care” and news. However, does the State allow such a money-free enclave to exist? For instance, does the State allow someone to be free from “health care” insurance payments?


Others seek the solution for the rehab from money addiction in creating an own payment system. However, as long as the State continues to impose payment obligations to creditors that only accept state-approved money, no alternative payment system can ever be a complete solution.


Therefore, the real problem is not “money”, it is the State! The real key question here is thus: How do we free ourselves from the dictatorship by the State?


Some believe that emigration to another state would be the solution. However, the owners of all states on this planet are working on the creation of one global State. Emigration is therefore at best a temporary solution.


Others think that the so-called Freeman approach will free us from the State’s dictatorship. They, for instance, write letters to the State in which they claim their sovereignty. Other hook on to an international initiative to send similar letters at the global level. However, all of these attempts remain within the boundaries of the paper world, and that paper world is created by the owners of the states. As long as this paper world remains beneficial for these owners, they will not interfere in the ongoing game. However, as soon as some papers cause undesirable outcomes, they will surely change the rules of game. This constant adjustment of the game’s rules is called the legal system, which is, without any doubt, as crooked as it can be. There are people who continuously focus on the irregularities in this crooked legal system, as well as in other malpractices, but how does that help us? There are people trying to fight this crooked system with lawsuits, but does that help either? Therefore, writing letters is at most a temporary solution, though is it more likely to be nothing but a crumb.



The Solution


The paper world is not real


Only after realizing that that paper world is not real, we are able to find the one and only real solution that frees us from the State’s dictatorship. A piece of paper does not have any real intrinsic value. It is us who associate value to worthless papers. As this value is a social construction, is it therefore not real. Not just currency bills do not represent real value, the same is true for passports, driving licenses, and identity cards. Ignorant people identify themselves with the person specified on these (plastic) papers issued by the State. However, as a person is a legal construction, it is not real either. The word “person” comes from the Latin word “persona”, meaning “mask”. When we identify ourselves with the person shown on a piece of state-approved identification paper, then we identify ourselves with a mask created by the State.


Therefore, the real solution is also here remarkably simple. All we have to do, is to distinguish between the state mask with our name on it on one side, and ourselves as a human being on the other side. The State has only control over the state masks, because the State created these masks.


This solution is also entirely consistent with the Word of God, as explained in the main articles on the homepage (link). God ordered the creation of man, so therefore God has complete authority over man. It is therefore rather remarkable that God has granted man to decide himself whether or not serve under God. Man is allowed to choose which master to serve: God or an idol, such as the State. The consequences of this choice are of course the sole responsibility of the individual who makes this choice . Anyone who does not explicitly chooses God, by default selects an idol. There is no gray area between these two choices: it is only white (God) or black (any idol).


In order to place ourselves under God (again), we do not need to write to the State. As I already had claimed the ownership of the state mask with my name on it, according to the procedure of the Dutch version of the Freeman movement, I needed to end the ‘life’ of this mask, which I did on the evening of last Friday November 15th.


Did I successfully ended all my addictions? Unfortunately, I can still not answer this question in a completely affirmative way. While I have minimized the cost of my living, I still need money. Already in 2008, I was able to cure myself from the “health care” addiction, but my news addiction is also still there. However, the type of news that I am addicted to is largely timeless, because that news is always about aspects of Wholly Science that are new to me.


In my search for new aspects of the Wholly truth, the distinction between mainstream media and all other media is rapidly fading for me. Furthermore, the non-mainstream media might be feeding the news addiction even more. Both are now packed with trifles. The things that to me are really important, for instance realizing that Santa is the modern sun god, just as Jesus was about two millennia ago, those things are completely ignored by both the mainstream media and all other media (with only a few exceptions).


I know that only a very small portion of my words will fall on fertile soil. No matter how small that part is, I can not forgive myself to not grasp any opportunity for sharing my insights. We all play our own roles in the Big Game, and the sowing of the Wholly truth is my role (among other roles).


Finally, the solution I have described here is just a general direction. Hopefully, this direction is quite clear. Now it is up to each of us to find our own special way that general direction. I wish you, my dear reader, and also myself, the strength and confidence to remain our own path in that direction.



Related videos:

o        Santa is Jesus (link)


Related Articles:

o        The Truth about God (link)

o        The True Meaning of the Ten Commandments (link)

o        The Genuine First Historical Account (link)

o        Definitions, Synonyms and Descriptions (link)

o        The Correct Wording of the “Our Father” Prayer (link)

o        Confusion of God, Jesus, and the Christ (link)

o        The True Nature of the Wholly Days (link)

o        The 10 Greatest Myths (link)

o        Santa is Jesus (link)



© December 23, 2013 – : Wholly ScienceJohan Oldenkamp



This article is also available in Italian (link) and in Dutch (link).