The Ring of Power


AmenStop Productions made a 4½ hours documentary entitled ‘The Ring of Power’. This documentary is uploaded to youtube in 29 parts (see below), and also as one video (link). For these 29 parts, there is a playlist (link) and a listing (link). There are other uploads of this remarkable documentary as well.


o       Part 1, Present Past (11 min.): link

o       Part 2, Only the Start (11 min.): link

o       Part 3, Profiting from 9/11 (10 min.): link

o       Part 4, Hidden Empire (8 min.): link

o       Part 5, Vatican Hoarding (11 min.): link

o       Part 6, Amen Pharaohs (11 min.): link

o       Part 7, Forbidden Link (10½ min.): link

o       Part 8, Oceans of Blood (11 min.): link

o       Part 9, The Queen (11 min.): link

o       Part 10, King of Kings (11 min.): link

o       Part 11, The Empire (11 min.): link

o       Part 12, The Cult of Amen (11 min.): link

o       Part 13, The Committee of 300 (11 min.): link

o       Part 14, Godfathers Rothschild (10 min.): link

o       Part 15, New World Order (11 min.): link

o       Part 16, Freemasonry Mafia (11 min.): link

o       Part 17, Control All Money (11 min.): link

o       Part 18, Credit Monopoly (11 min.): link

o       Part 19, FED and IRS (10½ min.): link

o       Part 20, Palestine Israel (11 min.): link

o       Part 21, The Butchers (11 min.): link

o       Part 22, Asses of Evil (11 min.): link

o       Part 23, Drug Running (11 min.): link

o       Part 24, War on Terror (10½ min.): link

o       Part 25, Attacking Irak (10½ min.): link

o       Part 26, The Antichrist (11 min.): link

o       Part 27, Credit Enslavement (11 min.): link

o       Part 28, Tax Enslavement (9½ min.): link

o       Part 29, The Power (3 min.): link


The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil, is for good people to do nothing.


In this documentary, the makers claim that the biblical persons of Abraham, Jacob, Joseph, and Moses were in fact all Egyptian pharaohs. They also argue that the biblical person of Jesus was the same as the person known as Ceasarion (meaning ‘Little Ceasar’), who was born in 47 BCE in Egypt out of wedloc as the son of the Roman emperor Julius Ceasar (100 BCE – 44 BCE) and Cleopatra (69 BCE – 30 BCE), the last pharaoh of Egypt. After the assassination of Julius Ceasar, Cleopatra had three children with Marcus Antonius (83 BCE – 30 BCE): the twins Cleopatra Selene II and Alexander Helios (born in 40 BCE), and Ptolemy Philadelphus (born in 36 BCE). When Marc Antony (which is the English version of his name) found out that he and Cleopatra were defeated in the battle of Actium by Julius Ceasar’s nephew Octavianus (later known as Emperor Augustus), he committed suicide, and so did Cleopatra VII Philopator (which was her full name). The documentary makers next claim that Cleopatra send her son, officially called Ptolemy XV Caesar, away to India after the brutal murder of his father Julius Ceasar, in order to save his life.


The bible is very precise about the moment Jesus supposedly was baptized. This happened during the 15th year of reign by Emperor Tiberius (42 BCE – 37 CE). As Tiberius was the Roman Emperor from 14 CE to 37 CE, this means that the biblical Jesus was baptized in the year 29 CE, when we combine the New Testament with historical data. If the claims of the documentary makers are correct, and the biblical person of Jesus is indeed this Little Ceasar, then he was baptized at the age of 76. That clearly seems to be in error.


Anyway, the documentary makers also allege that the biblical person of Mary Magdalene is Cleopatra Selene II, and that Jesus (or Ceasarian) married his half sister at the wedding of Cana, where he supposed to have solved an inconvenient wine problem. They go on by stating that the (manly) women of the Statue of Liberty depicts Mary Magdalene (or Cleopatra Selene II) when she was pregnant (of her husband Jesus). Did Jesus indeed carry on a long incestuous tradition that is still practiced by the so called Powers That Be?


I fully endorse the historical analysis of the current Pyramid of Power, as clearly exposed in this documentary. It might very well be true that these control freaks actually believe in Jesus being the son of Julius Ceasar. I, however, do not. To me, Jesus is a mythical person representing the central star in our solar system, whom I call Helios, just like the Ancient Greek did. To learn more about my understanding of it all, read my book ‘Understanding God’ (link).


© August 27, 2013 – Pateo.nlJohan Oldenkamp