The Elenin Code


Update: The Elenin Code as revealed in this article is based on two miscalculations (twice 33 instead of 32). This means that the Elenin Code is still sealed (or might not be a code at all).


Currently, there is a lot of excitement about what Nasa calls ‘C/2010 X1 Elenin’. Please note that Nasa is not a governmental organization. This private company is known for hiding and manipulating astrological data. That is why many people interpret the name N.A.S.A. as an acronym of ‘Never A Straight Answer’. Nasa claims this object to be an ordinary comet (which Nasa later changed into an ordinary cluster comet, since there are more objects involved). Let us look at the facts related to this (main) object.


In 1998, the movie ‘Deep Impact’ is released in which an amateur-astronomer called Leo discovers an incoming comet called E.L.E. In this movie, the US president is an African-American, which, in those days, was science fiction as well.


On December 10th, 2010 (which is 13 years later), an amateur-astronomer called Leonid discovers an incoming comet (please note that ‘decem’ is Latin for 10, so this date of discovery could be written as: 10th month, 10th day, 10th year of this millennium, which is a triple reference to 10 for reasons explained below). This comet gets called after Leonid’s surname Elenin. Leo is exactly the first half of Leonid, and E.L.E. are exactly the letters of the first half of Elenin. Was the movie meant to tell us half of the real story?


The object discovered by Leonid comes towards Terra from the direction of the constellation Leo. Further more, Leonid is an official name for an astrological phenomenon. The Leonids are a prolific meteor shower. These meteors appear to radiate from the constellation Leo and tend to peak in November.


The object ‘C/2010 X1 Elenin’ arrives at its closest distance to the sun Helion (called the perihelion) on September 11th, exactly 10 years after 9/11; that is the reason for the triple reference to 10 in the date of discovery). In words, this date is Nine Eleven. By reversing and abbreviating both words, we get ‘Ele Nin’.


Perhaps the most remarkable fact about this object is that its trajectory is not an ellipse, but a hyperbole. There are no previous records of an object with such an unnatural trajectory. That makes the coming fly by of this object extremely unique. However, Nasa is officially almost totally ignoring the object. Internally, Nasa warned her staff to be prepared in order to take care of family and loved ones in the coming months. Further more, Nasa recently announced the reducing of several outer space activities.


To me, it is very strange that Nasa with all her advanced telescopes did not detect this incoming object. What is the point of being able to see other galaxies while an object that comes very close to Terra within a year time remains unnoted?


Nasa’s strange behavior regarding this object caused many people to think that Elenin is an acronym. These people claim that E.L.E. stands for ‘Extinction-Level Event’. For the N.I.N. part, there are more variations like ‘Nibiru Is Near’, ‘Nibiru In November’, ‘Near Impact Nibiru’, or ‘Notable Impact Nemesis’.


To me, it is crystal clear that the object reffered to by Elenin is not an ordinary comet, as Nasa claims. Below, I will show that Elenin is a coded message. In order to fully understand my line of thinking, please read the free online e-book called The Bigger Picture (which can be opened here).


We find the key to open the Elenin code in numerology. When we apply numerology to the words around the pyramid on the back of a one US dollar bill, we find that all three series of words (‘Annuit Coeptis’, ‘Novus Ordo Seclorum’, and ‘The Great Seal’) result in the numerological value of 13. The pyramid also consists of 13 layers (and there are many more references to 13 on the 1 US dollar bill). Another example of this holy number (according to the Maya of Mesoamerica) we find in the 13 stripes of the US flag. Please note that also ‘C/2010 X1’ has the numerological value of 13.


Now let us calculate the numerological value of ‘Elenin’. The value is 33. Both 13 and 33 are used by the Illuminati as a kind of signature. Next we find exactly the same numerological value for ‘Leonid’. This means that ‘Leonid Elenin’ is a code containing two references to 33. Where can we find the third 33 that completes the trinity (just like the three series of words around the dollar’s pyramid refer 13). I think that the third 33 is present in the year Nibiru will return. According to my research, this return will be in the year 2013. Adding up 20 and 13 gives the third 33. (Please note that this part is incorrect. The numerological value of both ‘Elenin’ and ‘Leonid’ is 32.)


This means that ‘Elenin’ is not an ordinary comet, like Nasa claims. I think it is a message. What this message exactly is will be-come clear when it flies by the coming weeks.


The Netherlands (Zeist)

September 4th, 2011


Johan H. Oldenkamp, Ph.D.



(Click here to see pictures of this object, here for a short youtube video on the celestial body, and here for an article showing that this object is indeed unnatural.)