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Mission and Vision of Pateo



Making revealing knowledge understandable



We liberate ourselves through knowledge.



Explanation on this by questions and answers:



Liberation? We are nevertheless free? Which liberation is meant here?



“The freedom which many think to have is only an illusion. You become certainly aware of this when you walk against the wall or frontiers of this freedom. Some things we do not want at all are obligations nevertheless. And much of what we would want, however, we cannot. By means of more and more laws and legislation, our freedom is increasingly shortened. We are meanwhile drastically limited on the one hand, and on the other hand mercilessly forced. That is therefore definite no real freedom. Many think however that they are free, because they let mislead themselves.”



Misleading? By whom then?



“Many are misled by public administrators, scientists, priests, doctors, journalists, government officials and other so called ‘experts’. This we can call the regular- or mainstream misleading. Moreover, there is also the alternative or sub stream misleading. We can think of channeling, gurus and other experts. Consider that nearly all these people offer, both from main- and sub stream, their alleged leadership is sprouted from good intentions or force upon others. They are themselves thereby only not aware of their own restricted conscience. For this reason, it is not clever at all to be led by other people. Judicious people lead themselves. And do that by developing their own knowledge. Thereby they verify every new bit of information. Just when they see, feel and/or understand that it is right, then they incorporate this knowledge within their knowing. Sometimes this means that old knowledge must be reconsidered or replaced. That is however a total natural process of development. It is called advancing insight. Only irrational people continue to hold obstinately to out-of-date views.”



Is the information on Pateo.nl misleading?



“As long as you the offered information by Pateo.nl not firstly yourself verifies and unthinkingly takes for granted as the truth, then you are risking to be misled even on Pateo.nl. Only lazy, unconscious people swallow the offered truth, unthinkingly. In this Babylonian time of more and more contradictory sounds and increasing speech misfiring that is however, certainly when it concerns the truth, simply foolish.”



Is the information on Pateo.nl not far too difficult for most people?



“Because of the enormous misleading most people have become more and more dull. Many know that muscles become slack and are on the decline when these are not sufficiently used. That applies however also on exactly the same way to our brain (or in fact our brains). On Pateo.nl, knowledge is offered as accessible as possible, by means of small films, articles and e-books. If your brain is too slack to be able to follow this, then it is really time for a mental workout: “Train your brain”. Without proper physical workout you cannot climb a mountain. If you want to free yourself from this illusory reality, you must obtain the top of the mountain of knowledge on your own strength. The information Pateo.nl shows only some practicable paths. But Pateo.nl cannot climb the path instead of you. And examining a video of a climb is really something very different than making the climb itself. The view on the top of the mountain is very difficult to film, but showing the associated feeling is impossible.”



What are the most misleading Internet sites?



“To begin with, there is no misleading. There are only people who allow themselves to be misled. The responsibility always and only lies with the people who are led (or misled). Nevertheless, there are a number of rules in making the shift between sense and nonsense (in the Babylonian times):

1.    Is it based on verifiable facts? If not, then the chance is great that it concerns nonsense. Let it be very clear that there is nothing existing objectively. There is only subjective perception. Consider the “hard”(verified) ones as facts.

2.    Does it give me a good feeling? Our mood, feelings and emotions (energy-motions) act as return indicators. If these are positive, know your inner energies are going up. Are they negative, then our inner energies are going down. If certain information gives you not a good feeling, then it apparently is not meant for you.

3.    Does it help to see the bigger picture? It is rather awkward to get a good picture of an elephant, when we study it through a microscope. By taking distance, we can improve our understanding of all part in relation to the whole.


Instead of the most misleading Internet sites, we can give, however, an overview of the most mislead groups of people. This is the top 3:

1.    People who believe blind in a religion, in the university science, in the government, in the Royal family, in politics, in the reporting by the mainstream media, and/or in the regular sickness care.

2.    People who uncritically believe New Age – tales, people who believe blind in channeled messages and/or people who think that all people who are not in the number 1 group (see preceding enumeration) are awakened.

3.    People without a sense of humor (many of them are, very remarkably, also found in the first and second category).



Why is humor important?



“Humor works liberating. It helps to loosen matters in our inner self. Humor let energies fully free to flow. Humor works most liberating when we can laugh about ourselves, or the situation in which we have again fallen into. Making fun of yourself helps to liberate, sarcastic remarks not. Humor helps to play down:


What is more important: the sun or the moon? The good answer is not the sun, because during night we are in more need of light than during day time!”



Zeist, The Netherlands

Tuesday, February 2nd, 2012

Johan Oldenkamp