Revelations of Deception


Pateo is a Latin word that means ‘no longer hidden’. The aim of is to reveal the hidden truth. With this article, I aim to dispel a number of persistent myths.


The holy scriptures are not about people

Many people think that the stories in holy scriptures are about people who lived long time ago on this planet. The hidden truth underneath these stories is that these anecdotes are metaphors for reoccurring celestial phenomena. Each person in these stories represents a heavenly body or a constellation of stars. These stories are so important because they help us to understand the times we are living in.


Holy means full of holes

Everything that some people consider to be holy is in fact full of holes. These holes arose from deleting essential information. Combined with that lacking information, these stories become whole again. To prevent ‘common’ people to know the whole story, essential parts of these stories were deliberately kept secret. That is why holy stories (meaning: full of holes) are also known as sacred stories (in which essential information has been kept secret by hiding it from the common man).


The word ‘Church’ comes from the Latin word ‘Circe’

According to Greek mythology, Circe was a sorceress who was able to deceive man and then change them into animals. The German word for church is ‘Kirche’, which is phonetically also similar to ‘Circe’, just as the Italian ‘chiesa’. Just like Circe, the church also deceives people and then changes them into beasts that are willing to kill, mutilate, abuse, and humiliate others because the church says so.


Judaism, Christianity and Islam are one and the same religion

These three religions including all separations are continuations of the religion in Ancient Egypt, which was also a continuation of the religion in previous civilizations, such as Sumeria. Unlike the Ancient Egyptians, who worshiped the sun Helios as the ruling extension of God, the trinity of Judaism, Christianity and Islam worship the planet Saturn as their God. Ancient names for their deity Saturn are El, Ilu, Eli, and Il. Later these names became Elāh, Elōah, and Elōhîm. Within the Islam, the word Elāh changed into Allah. Within Judaism, the word Ilu changed into IAUE, which equals the Hebrew word YHWH, pronounced as Yahweh. While the real Christ is the sun Helios, the Antichrist is Saturn, which in Christianity is called Satan. While the sun Helios is the hottest of the seven visible lights in our solar system, Saturn (or Satan) is the coldest one. Though Christianity claims to worship Christ, the truth is that this religion worships the Antichrist, just like Judaism and Islam do. That is why the Sabbath is on Saturday, which is the day of Saturn. At the north pole of Saturn we see a hexagonal shape. This looks like a 2D shadow of a 3D cube. As the colour of black (meaning the opposite of the white colour of light) represents Saturn, a black cube symbolizes Saturn. In Mecca we find a huge black cube (called the Kaabah). Connecting the corners of a hexagon with triangles results in the Seal of Solomon as shown on the national flag of the state of Israel. Please note that the ‘el’ as the last part of Isra-el also refers to Saturn. Furthermore, for those who still have doubts about all this, what do you think the tefillin represents, which is a black cube a believer in Judaism is supposed to wear on the forehead?


The pope is the ruler of Judaism, Christianity and Islam

Just like all other orthodox believers in Judaism, also the pope wears a skullcap on the top of his head. In Judaism, this cap is known as a yamaka or a kippah. This round cap represents the rings of Saturn. In the Vatican, we find many artefacts from Ancient Egypt and beyond. These artefacts are there to signify that the pope represents the highest religious power over believers on this planet.


Wholly Science is the remedy for ignorance

Humanity has deliberately been kept in ignorance in order to control them. This suppression of humanity goes back to Ancient Egypt and beyond. The suppressors call themselves the Elite, meaning the worshipers of El or Eli (meaning Saturn). The Elite organized themselves as hierarchy of power, symbolized by the pyramid on the back of the one US dollar bill. They named their organization the Order of the Illuminati, which refers to Ilu, also meaning Saturn. I think therefore that their real name is Iluminati. These cold-blooded people control the entire planet because they control the money system. The word money refers to ‘moon eye’. That is the eye on the pyramid’s capstone. They also worship the moon Luna because in the night, she is the replacement of the sun Helios (who is the Christ). Therefore, also the moon is the Antichrist. The word ‘anti’ does not mean ‘against’; it means ‘instead’ or replacement. While red means hot, blue means cold. These cold-blooded people want to keep their alleged blue bloodlines pure. They worship the arch of the moon (instead of the arch of the sun), and therefore want to be seen as the Monarch (meaning Moon Arch). The Arch of the Covenant is not a box, but a secret covenant to worship the lunar arch instead of the solar one. Do you need more prove that these three religions and the Elite openly worship Saturn, these watch these videos on youtube: part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, and part 5 (I cannot find a part 6. Warning: Please do not believe one word from these videos: verify everything yourself!).


Humanity is awakening

Ancient scriptures try to tell us that the epoch of ignorance is proceeding, at this very moment, into an epoch of spiritual and intellectual enlightenment. Humanity now experiences the change from the Ages of Darkness (or Iron Era) into the Ages of Light (or Golden Era). The Elite knows that its game of power and control will tumble down when more and more people enlighten themselves. That is why they use all possible means to suppress the global awakening:

o       For at least twenty years, unregistered flights of unregistered aircrafts spray toxic chemicals such as aluminium high in the atmosphere producing long and lasting chemical trails (called chemtrails).

o       Pharmaceuticals and especially vaccines impair the correct operation of our immune system, making more and more people vulnerable for diseases.

o       By promoting humans to consume animals or animal-based products, more and more people develop health problems since a human being is a natural herbivore.

o       Almost all food and liquids that we can buy in the supermarket are full of unhealthy xenobiotics, including refined sugar.

o       All drugs reduce willpower, including alcohol, caffeine, and nicotine.

o       By putting chemicals fluids or creams on our body (such as perfumes and moisturizers), we allow our largest organ (namely our skin) to be come toxicated.

o       Radiating devices such as the television affect our brain wave patterns, and also diminish our willpower.

o       People with stimulating fear, lust and greed block their own spiritual awakening.

o       By giving people false hope, people also loose their willpower and their ability to take action; this false hope also comes from fantasy stories such as being rescued by alien or divine beings.


Ardo ab Chao

These Latin words mean ‘order out of chaos’. The Elite aspires full and open control on this planet, exactly like George Orwell described in his book ‘1984’. This is the New World Order in which the Elite takes full control over this planet. That is why they wrote Novus Ordo Seclorum under the pyramid on the one US dollar bill, literally meaning ‘a new order of all ages’. They already dictated the order of our world during the Dark Ages. Now they also want to dictate the order of our world during the coming Light Ages. To do so, they have to fool the nearly awakened masses in such a way that they stay completely unaware of the current transfer into the Golden Era. Whatever their coming show will be, it will make 9/11 look like nearly nothing. Since 2012 is the year of the transfer from the Iron Era into the Golden Era, their show will definitely take place this year, according to my understanding. Their show will create the ultimate chaos we can imagine. Next, the Elite will present their solution. When humanity buys into that solution, then the Elite will indeed also dictate the coming light ages. However, when we, the inhabitants of this beautiful living planet, enlighten ourselves through knowledge, then we can allow the Light to rule through each and every one of us. It is up to us. Either we make the difference, or we have to face the consequences of failure or passiveness.


Be aware

When the financial system collapses, then do know that it is the Elite that made it collapse. When the Third World War starts in the Middle East, then do know that it is the Elite that created this war. When a fake alien invasion occurs during the thirtieth Olympic Games in London, then do know that it is the Elite that created this charade. When you read on the internet that the Elite has no more real power, then wander why all their measures as mentioned above are still continuing. When the information you receive gives you hope that the Elite has lost, then do try to understand the devastating effect of false hope.


Join the Resistance

The one and only ‘weapon’ of the Resistance is knowledge. The Resistance is not fighting the Elite. The Resistance is fully aware of the role that the Elite has to play. The real enemy of the Resistance is ignorance. Do not try to directly attack ignorance. That always turns out to be counter-effective. Just feed ignorance little by little with valuable knowledge. It is best to start to help ignorant people to improve their own health. When they experience the liberating difference between a healthy and an unhealthy lifestyle, they might become interested in more revealing knowledge.


We are at war

We are not at war with individuals. Never make this war personal. Each human on this planet is in one way or the other victim of the systems we have created. We are all more or less guilty of the situation we are in. It is with these systems, that we have a major conflict. Any action that hinders these systems is allowed, as long it is never disrespectful to another being. Study the system, and see how you can free yourself from its grip on you. It is our birthright to live freely on this planet. All systems are based on deception. That is why these systems are so fond of black. These dark systems evaporate when they are exposed to the Purifying Force of Light. The Ages of Light are now arriving to free us from all this wicked darkness. Welcome the Light, and step out of the darkness. We are the Light.


Zeist, The Netherlands

Thursday, February 9th, 2012

Johan Oldenkamp