The Solution


(This article is also available in French [Français] and in Dutch [Nederlands])


The current ecological, humanitarian, economic, financial and social crises can only be solved at a higher level of insight (conscience) then the level on which they have arisen. From that higher (awakened) conscience level this solution is considered in fact simple. But first let us describe the so-called problem.


The Problem: The Pyramid of Power

The ordinary people are at the bottom of the power pyramid. On the second stage we find the governmental agencies which, legitimized by power laws, impose their power on the ordinary people. In the third stage, the government dictates the public service, and the parliament is supposed to control these actions of the government. In fourth stage, the multinationals determine the actions. For this reason, there is only an appearance of democracy, because the fourth stage overrules the third stage in all matters which are important to the multinationals. For this reason, the multinationals and the powers of the higher stages stipulate which and how news and information are brought in the mainstream media. On the fifth power layer, we find bankers who help the multinationals with cheap financing. The bankers lend for their part of the central banks, which form the sixth power layer. On the seventh power layer, we find the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank, which lends the central banks. Both the IMF and the World Bank are property of a private investment bank called NM Rothschild & Sons, the eighth power layer. The family Rothschild, owner of this powerful investment bank, cooperates closely with the families Rockefeller and Morgan. At the top of the power pyramid, only few families are in charge concerning seven billion people on this planet. They are able to execute this, because they allowed themselves to create money out of thin air, according to their own rules.


To learn more about this, watch the documentary called Thrive (of 132 minutes):

Click here to listen to a conversation John Waterman and I had with Foster Gamble, the narrator in this documentary.

How long do we keep fooling ourselves? The only real solution for the current crises starts by disconnecting (or detaching) from (living by the rules of) this power pyramid.


Step 1: Manifestation of Sovereignty

All occupants of a certain territory confirm and know that they are interconnected and therefore their community is sovereign. This sovereign community is no longer bound to ((inter-) national) treaties or organizations. Also every individual can personally choose to manifest his own sovereignty. Some claim this by means of legal constructions to have the exclusive right on the use of your own name. By nature – in essence- is however everyone sovereign. It is the restricted (`sleeping’) conscience that allows other (restrictive) views.


Step 2: Recreating Civilization (from Zero) within the Sovereign Community

All (old) laws and legislation (made in the dark period) expires directly. All plots on the territory of the sovereign community are immediately expropriated and are handed over to the republic, what is the name of the governing body of the sovereign community. Then the republic leases these plots, for example to live on or to agriculture them. The republic uses its own, stable currency. The tenant farming prices are invariable, because the republic does not know interest nor has inflation (because both have originated from extremely dark practices).


Every inhabitant of the sovereign community receives a basic income largely sufficient for all costs of living. Who wants to make an extra income, is allowed to sell products or services. In the The republic is no taxation whatsoever.


On a regular basis, public meetings are held to discuss the most important issues. By means of the Internet, everyone is informed. The discussions are based on arguments and are supported by the use of the Internet. In this way everybody is actively involved in the decision making process. In the republic, the righteousness of the arguments is the leading principle. Every decision-making process within the republic is completely transparent and is at every moment accessible by means of the Internet.


The republic has its own Internet, as well as television- and radio broadcast, on which all relevant information in a structured, accessible manner is offered. Special attention goes to the information concerning restoring and sustaining one’s health situation and everybody’s power to create (on the basis of “awaked science” called Wholly Science). In the Republic does not exist a prearranged schooling system or schooling program, but instead of this there is the fundamental right of everybody to develop himself in one’s own manner and pace. Everybody is fully supported to share his personal knowledge, insights and services f.e. by means of the Internet. Also everybody is supported to organise for example (educational) readings, workshops, courses or learning paces. Announcements can be made by means of the Internet.


Both food production and - consumption are based on insights in the natural dynamics. The republic only permits (foods) production and - sale if this happens in an ecologically justified manner. The same criteria are applied on import. Those who need financing can fill in an application for this purpose.


All public functions within the republic are carried out by volunteers, who will receive some extra benefit in case of appropriate functioning. The exercise of every public function is by means of the Internet complete transparent. In this way it is always clear who is responsible. The republic has no hierarchy. Every official has to justify to the community by means of the Internet. On the basis of sufficient positive return from the community, the additional income can be granted. On the other hand in case of a negative return from the community, it can decide to replace a person from his function.


When conflicting parties cannot solve the conflicting vies themselves, then these parties can call in an independent trusted third party. Both parties are then equally charged for the transparent financial expenses. In all cases, there is fully openness of affairs by means of the Internet.


Step 3: Dismantling and Transforming the “Old”

Gradually all current structures and organizations are from the inside dismantled and are transformed on the basis of the core values of the awakened community.


All rent is free; all mortgages are acquitted, as well as all other debts. All banks and insurers are up heaved, which also applies to all schools and universities. All hospitals, nursing homes and institutions are transformed to free natural- based- balance- convalescence harbors and all employees who want to continue (as a volunteer) are educated for free in Salveology (the science of living in full health). All nursing homes are open to everyone who wants to live there, both young and old, and that applies also to all remaining houses, chambers and living areas. Everyone can freely decide where to live.


The Republic arranges a special innovation centre for development of revolutionary technology. Both employees of the current technical colleges or universities are invited for applying on a function in this centre, as well are the technicians who work especially on their intuition at the innovation. The most important issues of this centre are wireless and free electricity (in analogy of the work of Nicola Tesla) and cylindrical planes (as it has been developed in the forties of the previous century in Germany on the basis of what was called “vril”, meaning light force), both applications of new energy technology. Striving is as fast as possible to say farewell to the polluting technology such as the perilous combustion engine.


For the maintenance of the public safety nor punishments nor firearms are necessary. If people on the sovereign territory cause damage to others (directly or indirectly), sage people will help and advise the “offender” to become aware his action and consequences of it.


All (voluntary) soldiers will be stationed along the external borders of the sovereign community. Airports and harbors are neutral areas beside the sovereign community. Only after leaving these areas, one enters the territory of the sovereign community.


Actions speak louder than Words

If the above addresses you positively and you want to help with the realization of all this, then please contact us. We have several ideas, but want to unite them with those of you!


Are you in need of inspiring pictures and words to picture this vision (or an alternative), I can recommend you the two hours lasting video presentation called “Thrive “. Never lose during looking the feeling with your inner truth. Investigate simply everything, and preserve the good. Click here to listen to the narrator in this documentary, Foster Gamble, in a conversation in which I participated together with John Waterman.


Zeist, Monday, November 14th, 2011

Johan Oldenkamp




Many have the opinion that the title of this article should be: A Solution. However, the nature of every solution which really works is leaving (or detaching from) the system of the power pyramid. Solutions where this does not happen are superficial and bring nothing. For this reason the above solution stands. The only real solution starts at detaching from the power pyramid (step 1). Afterwards we build our new community from scratch (step 2). Then we clear the heaps of rubble of the current civilization (step 3). We can carry out these three steps in several manners, but they mean in all alternatives essential the same. This is therefore the solution.


Finally, he who is really awake does not judge others. Let us not harass each other with so-called objective truth and just share our (subjective) perceptions with others. In any case, I will no longer react to “truth-opinions”, irrespective for responses to forums or e-mail bulletins addressed to me. I spend my precious time to the communication with truly awakened people.