Request for Scientific Validation


Dear colleague,


My research findings show that the builders of the pyramids on the Giza plateau in Egypt knew about the fixed ratio between the circumference and the diameter of a circle (i.e. Pi), at least 22 centuries before Archimedes of Syracuse (who is generally considered to be the greatest mathematician of antiquity) discovered this constant (value). My research findings also show that these pyramid builders knew about the Golden Ratio (i.e. Phi), the speed of light, the size of the Earth (as a sphere), the Precession of the Equinoxes (or the Great Year, as Plato referred to this dimension of time), and the perceived movements of all celestial bodies visible from the Earth’s surface.


If all this is true, then we must face the fact that a highly advanced civilization was present on Earth, at least 8000 years before the first Pharaoh arrived in Egypt. This discovery then might help us to discover the real story of the origin of humanity.


Therefore, I kindly ask you to validate my research findings.


In this video, I present these findings in just half an hour (link).


In this document, I described these findings in 8 pages (link).


Click here to watch a short presentation of these findings in Dutch (link).


Click here to read an eight pages description of these findings in Dutch (link).


I thank you in advance for collegiality.


Zeist, The Netherlands,

Monday, October 24th, 2011


Pateo University

Dr. Johan Oldenkamp