

The Wholly Encyclopedia



Human (Pre)History


This section of PateoPedia is about the history of man until about 3000 years Before the start of our Common Era (BCE). In my books, my explanation of human prehistory also includes the work of Sacharia Sitchin (see Wholly Wayshowers: link). I therefore expected a heavenly body named Nibiru to become again visible to the naked eye in the year 2013 of our Common Era (CE). As that did not happen, I had to revise my theory on human prehistory. In this section, I present my new theory on this as a public hypothesis. This new theory is partly inspired by the work of Michael Tsarion (see Wholly Wayshowers: link).


Scientism has nothing to offer for those who really want to understand human (pre)history. Human beings did not naturally evolve from ape beings (link). Neither is Scientism able to answer any of the following crucial questions:

o       How was the asteroid belt really formed?

o       Why is its orbiting direction opposite to that of the planets?

o       Why is there a perfect sphere amidst this ring of the irregular rock formations?

o       Why is the moon Luna older than Terra, the planet that she orbits?

o       And why is Luna so unusually large relatively compared with other moons?

o       Why does NASA only release images of Luna in black and white?

o       Why did the NASA broadcast a fake moon landing in 1969?

o       Did Atlantis really existed?

o       If so, where was it located?

o       When did the massive flooding known as the Great Deluge occur?

o       Where did all the water of this Deluge come from?


In Wholly Science, every heavenly body has a proper name. Our sun’s name is Helios; our moon’s name is Luna, and our home planet’s name is Terra. Here, the possessive pronoun “our” refers to perspective instead of possession.



The Beginning of Time and Space


The Genuine First Historical Account describes the creation of the heavens including Terra, which corresponds to the heaven second from the bottom (link). This historical account tells us that man was created by gods commissioned by God. Let us refer to these gods as the Creators. These Creators look just like us.


The Creators arrived on Terra about 4 billion years ago. At that time, Terra was about 600 million years old. The Creators released two distinct types of prokaryotes on Terra: the bacteria and the archaea. Their job was to produce oxygen. They did this for 2 billion years. No other life forms were then present on Terra.


About 2 billion years ago, after both types of prokaryotes altogether had created an atmosphere around Terra, the Creators released the eukaryotes in order to increase the oxygen production. Though the eukaryotes require oxygen in order to stay alive, in contrast to the prokaryotes, the eukaryotes produce much more oxygen.


About 530 million years ago, the Creators released thousands of marine animal and plant species. These became the ancestors of all natural life on Terra.


About 65 million years ago, the Creators intervened in the natural process of evolution by wiping out all dinosaurs.


Many mistakenly conclude on the basis of (hidden) archeological evidence that it were humans that walked among the dinosaurs. However, these footprints were made by the Creators. And the same is true for all similar findings that predates the dinosaurs.


After the Creation of the flora and the fauna on Terra was completed, the Creators make man in their image, after their likeness. They did this by impregnating a Creator woman with the semen of a male Simia Erectus (upright-walking, evolved ape beings). Scientism committed a huge fraud by referring to these beings as “Homo Erectus”, as these beings were 100% ape (simia in Latin) and 0% man (homo in Latin). Even nowadays, the Simia Erectus still walks on the surface of Terra. These evolved ape beings are called Sasquatch, Yeti, Bigfoot, or Abominable Snowman.


At first, this mixture was unable to reproduce. The Creators solved this problem by bone marrow transplantation. They extracted bone marrow stem cells from a rib from a male, and placed these inside a female’s body in order to avoid the immune response that treat the male’s semen as unwanted intruders. This original mixture of Simia Erectus with the humanoid Creators is nowadays known as the Neanderthal Man. It came into existence at the latest at about 180,000 BCE.


The average Neanderthal Man was shorter then we are in average, and more muscular. The Neanderthal Man also had a better sight, and probably better senses in general. Most remarkably, the Neanderthal Man had an about 10% larger brain, with an average skull size of 1600 cubic centimeters (a mature human skull has a size of about 1350 cubic centimeters). Though the Neanderthal Man was in all ways superior to us humans, they suddenly got extinct about 30,000 BCE. What had happened?



Invasion by the Pirates


What nowadays is known as the asteroid belt, that used to be a planet. This planet between Mars and Jupiter was named “Tiamat”. It was also known as Phaeton, Vulcan, Rahab, Typhon, or Tistrya. This planet was mostly covered with surface water (oceans), and it had at least three moons. Tiamat was about 15 times larger then our home planet Terra. Seen from the surface of Terra, Tiamat appeared as a second sun, due to the surface waters brightly reflecting the sun light emitted by Helios. Click here to open the PateoPedia Paper that explains a Sumerian depiction of Tiamat.


The planet Tiamat was inhabited by intergalactic refugees. These refugees were expelled from their previous home world by the Cleaners (who might be the very same as the Creators). Long time ago, the Cleaners chased them away because these refugees behave like a devastating plague. Let us refer to these refugees as the Pirates. In reality, the Cleaners tried to exterminate the Pirates, but the regrettably failed. Unfortunately, some Pirates were able to escape, and they found a hiding place on Tiamat, probably in a self-created under water dome.


After a while, the Pirates dared to come out of their shelter. Next, the Pirates started to explore also the other planets of this solar system. So they boarded their pirate space ships, and set course to Terra (and most likely also to Mars, and probably also to Venus).


Coming from outside our solar system, traveling towards the sun Helios in the center, the orbiting planets appeared in those days in this ordering: 1. Neptune, 2. Uranus, 3. Saturn, 4. Jupiter, 5. Tiamat, 6. Mars, 7. Terra, 8. Venus, and 9. Mercury. These identifying numbers of each planet are nowadays still meaningful in various ways.


The Pirates brought their advanced technology to Terra, including helicopters and airplanes (exactly as this is depicted in a wall sculpture in an ancient temple in Abydos, and also exactly as this is shown in the feature film “Avatar” from 2009).


At a certain moment, probably around 160,000 BCE, the Pirates decided that they needed servants to do their physically demanding work. The Pirates not only new all about propulsion technology, the also mastered genetics. They genetically changed the Neanderthal Man into the Homo Sapiens.


Though their genetically-engineered servants worked on several locations on the surface of Terra, the Pirates on Terra lived mainly in city named Atlantis. In those days, the Atlantic Ocean did not yet exist. The name “Atlantic Ocean” clearly refers to “the ocean where Atlantis used to be”.


The Greek recording of the name “Atlantis” was most likely derived from the Sanskrit word “Atalas”, meaning “Pillar”. According to Plato, Atlantis was formerly beyond the Pillars of Hercules. For thousands of years, these “pillars” refer to the mountains on both sides of the Strait of Gibraltar.



Around 40,000 BCE


Around 40,000 BCE, the Pirates decided that they needed a more intelligent servant. The Pirates created the Homo Sciens (Latin for the “knowing man”) via in-vitro fertilization of a female surrogate Invader. This Homo Sciens is known as the “first born”, as this was the first new species born from an Pirate mother. In Scientism, this “first born” man is known as the so-called Cro-Magnon Man, named after a great cave in the Dordogne Valley in southern France (“Cro” comes from the French word “creux” meaning “cavity” or “hollow”, and “Magnon” comes from the Latin word “magnus” meaning “large” or “great”). The Homo Sciens had a black skin and was equally intelligent as the Invader species. Their skull size was 1600 cubic centimers.


However, the black Homo Sciens was too intelligent to remain the servant of the Pirates for long. Therefore, after a while, these intelligent black-skinned humans left Atlantis and created their own civilization in Lemuria (or the Land of Mu) at the opposite position on the surface of Terra, in the southern part of what is nowadays known as the Pacific Ocean. The word “pacific” comes from the Latin word “pacifer”, meaning “peaceful”. It is not very hard to imagine that the lives of the Homo Sciens became indeed very peaceful after they abandoned the Pirates. Another name for Lemuria was “Oceania”, as Lemuria was a huge island surrounded by Terra’s first ocean. The name “Pacific Ocean” clearly refers to “the ocean where the peaceful island used to be”. Though they mainly lived in Lemuria, the Homo Sciens created many wonderful buildings on important locations all around Terra, like the Great Sphinx and the pyramids on the Giza plateau, many thousands of years before the rise of the Ancient Egyptian civilization.


After the exodus of the Homo Sciens out of Atlantis, the Pirates created again a human species via in-vitro fertilization of surrogate Invader mothers. This time, they made sure to genetically dumb down their hybrid offspring. They succeeded in creating a very obedient species, the Homo Audiens (Latin for the “obedient man”). Scientism has falsely named this creature “Homo Sapiens” (Latin for the “wise man”). We can refer to these human beings as the “second born”. These Second Borns had a variety of skin colors.


The stories recorded in the Book of Genesis describe the history of these Second Borns. At a certain moment, these dumbed-down Second Borns were visited by the First Borns, who educated them about the Truth. When the Pirates discovered this, the educated Second Borns were cast out of Atlantis. This was the real Diaspora. Furthermore, the Pirates went to war with the Homo Sciens. Ancient Indian writings recorded this global war between Atlantis and Lemuria in great detail.



Around 10,000 BCE


“A misfortune seldom comes alone”, is an ancient proverb. This was surely true for the Pirates. Not only were they in war on Terra with the beings they had created themselves, on Tiamat, they were at the same time detected by the Cleaners (probably because of their use of atomic weapons against Lemuria).


The Cleaners wanted this time to completely exterminate the Pirates. To do so, the Cleaners decided to blow up the entire planet Tiamat. They probably also wiped clean the surface of Mars (leaving only stone structures like the “Face” and several pyramids), and maybe also the surface of Venus. To also blow up or wipe clean Terra was not an option for the Cleaners, because of the unique variety of life forms on Terra. Instead, they created a Quarantine Grid complete surrounding Terra, capturing all remaining Pirates. Before that, they destroyed all technological devices on Terra, and all the Pirates they encountered. Probably, the Cleaners also killed large numbers of First Borns and Second Borns, as these creatures only genetically differ from the Pirates. Other names for Atlantis and Lemuria were Sodom and Gomorrah. Indeed, the Cleaners destroyed both (by means of atomic weapons).


After Tiamat was blown to peaces, a part of its remains became the asteroid belt. Due to the force of the impact, these remains started to orbit in the opposite direction. After this planetary explosion, Tiamats oceans became rocks of ice, launched into space. Many of them hit our home planet Terra, causing eventually the event known as the “Deluge”. In the Bible (in Revelation 8:10-11), we also find a description of the beginning of this event: “.. and a great star fell from heaven, blazing like a torch, and it fell on a third of the rivers and on the springs of water. The name of the star is Wormwood. A third of the waters became wormwood, and many people died from the water, because it had been made bitter.”


In presumably 10,178 BCE, one of Tiamat’s moons named Kingu arrived in an orbit around Terra, nowadays known as Luna. Before Kingu arrived, all nights on Terra were as dark as the current nights of new moon. The positioning of Luna (or Kingu) relative to Terra became rather remarkable, making her appear equally large as the sun Helios, seen from the surface of Terra. Perhaps Luna was deliberately positioned in order to positively change the life conditions on Terra. Luna also always faces Terra with the very same halve, due to her unequal mass distribution. Perhaps Luna has been changed into a partly artificial body, before or after the destruction of Tiamat. Also on the surface of Luna, just like on the surfaces of Mars and Terra, there is at least one pyramid.


Another moon of Tiamat was catapulted into deep space and ended in a rather unusual orbit around the central sun Helios. We now know this moon as the (dwarf) planet “Pluto”. A third moon Tiamat’s, named Ceres remained more or less in the same orbit around Helios, together with a portion of the remains of Tiamat. Together, we now know them as the asteroid belt. Below, the names of three more moons of Tiamat are listed.


Life on Terra changed dramatically due to Tiamat’s annihilation. There was no longer a second sun. Next, the arrival of the moon Luna caused a severe shift of Terra’s rotational axis. This physical polar shift caused great changes on the surface of Terra. The upper layers of the land masses shifted in southern direction. Scientism falsely claims that these shifted land masses were caused by a fictitious “ice age”, that in reality never existed. Nearly all the water we know find on Terra fell down from space after the explosion of Tiamat. Before this massive flood from space, Terra was mostly an earthly planet, in contrast to the watery planet that Terra became after the Deluge. That is why it is so common to refer to Terra as “Earth”, though she is mostly covered with water.


Many ancient stories from all continents report on this huge flood that nearly wiped out all life on Terra (link). The Epic of Gilgamesh is perhaps the most well-known recording of this Great Deluge. The Biblical story of Noah is based on this ancient Epic of Gilgamesh. As the Cleaners knew countless rocks of ice would hit Terra after Tiamat’s explosion, the Cleaners made sure that not all life on Terra would get extinct due to this massive invasion of water from space. They also rescued the Second Borns (the Homo Audiens) from extinction. That is why the obedient man (falsely named “Homo Sapiens”) is still present on the surface of Terra.


Somehow, a number of Pirates also survived the Deluge. After the Deluge, they created stone circles in order to be able to monitor the new celestial dynamics after the pole shift. Though they still had the knowledge, all their equipment was gone. The Pirates had to restart from scratch. As their life span is much longer than that of a current average human being, they patiently began with recreating.


The Pirates decided to no longer create hybrid beings based on evolved ape beings. Both the First Borns and the Second Borns turned out to be rather unreliable. Instead, they created new hybrid beings based on all kinds of other beings. All mythological animals did really exist on Terra, as they were genetically engineered by the Pirates. The Pirates were most pleased with the use of reptile beings, as they turned out to be totally controllable. They therefore created the Third Borns, which are the Homo Reptilis (Latin for the “reptile man”).



Around 4000 BCE


Around 4000 BCE, the Pirates brought the Homo Reptilis to the area around the rivers of Tigris and Euphrates. There, they kick-started human civilization. They presented themselves as gods, and they appointed homo reptiles in powerful positions. As these homo reptiles have no conscience, they blindly obey their masters. Nowadays, we know these homo reptiles as psychopaths. Starting in Sumer, the psychopaths have always been in powerful positions.


The first civilizations were Sumer, Assyria, Akkadia, and Babylonia. The name to refer to the whole of these civilizations is: Mesopotamia.


In Sumer, Tiamat was known as the primordial Mother Goddess. Before Tiamet exploded, the tilt of Terra’s rotational axis was much smaller (or even absent). In those pre-delugian days, the sun Helios was always close to the horizon. Tiamat therefore not only delivered a huge light in the night sky (being Luna), she also gave birth to the daily rising of Helios.



Around 3100 BCE


Around 3100 BCE, the Pirates invaded the lands around the river of the Nile, nowadays referred to as Upper Egypt and Lower Egypt. In those days, Egypt was known as “km.t” (pronounced as “Khemet”). Scientism falsely claims that this means: the black (“t”) land (“km”). In reality, it meant “the Land of the Blacks”. The inhabitants of Ancient Egypt all had a black skin. The Latin word “niger” simply means “black”. Therefore, Nigeria in our time also means “land of the Blacks”. Also in the Ancient Land of the Blacks (Khemet), the (white) Pirates claimed to be gods, and they appointed themselves as pharaohs. The first pharaoh was known as Narmer or Menes. He conquered and ruled over Upper and Lower Egypt. Ever since, these Pirates and their obedient psychopaths have determined human history.


On each part of Terra, man has been told a story about the immaculate conception of a Savior. In reality, these “saviors” were created by in-vitro fertilization of a female human mother with Invader semen.


Around 2000 BCE, the civilization of Sumer came suddenly to an end. After that, the civilization of Babylonia started.


Following Egypt (or Kemet), civilizations also arose in Levant, later known as Canaan, and also in Greece. Below, the Eighteenth dynasty of Egypt is highlighted, because of the conversion to God of Pharaoh Amenhotep IV.


For Sitchin’s version of the events between 1500 BCE and 100 CE, click here. Based on an irregular solar eclipse that happened on 556 BCE May 19, Sitchin concluded that this eclipse must have been caused by Nibiru. However, that means that Nibiru must have been between Helios and Terra, which contradicts Sitchin’s claim that it crosses the plane of the ecliptic between Mars and Jupiter. Furthermore, the passing by of such a huge sphere might cause a little more disturbances on Terra’s surface than just a brief solar eclipse.



Historical Account of the Scriptures



Adam and Eve had three children: Cain, Able, and Seth.



Methuselah was the fourth great-grandson of Seth. Methuselah was the father of Lemech.



Lemech was a son of Methuselah. Lemech was the father of Noah.



Noah was a son of Lemech. Noah was the father of Shem.



Shem was a son of Noah. Shem was the father of Arphaxed.



Arphaxed was a son of Shem. Arphaxed was the father of Saleh.



Saleh was a son of Arphaxed. Saleh was the father of Eber.



Eber (or Heber) was a son of Saleh. Eber was the father of Peleg.



Peleg was a son of Eber. Peleg was the father of Reu.



Reu was a son of Peleg. Reu was the father of Serug.



Serug was a son of Reu. Serug was the father of Nahor.



Nahor was a son of Serug. Nahor was the father of Terah.



Terah was a son of Nahor. Terah was the father of Abraham.



Abraham (or Abram, son of Terah) and Sarah were the parents of Isaac.


Was Abraham the same as Amenemhat I, the first ruler of the Twelfth Dynasty, the dynasty considered to be the golden-age of the Middle Kingdom of Egypt? The name “Amenemhat” means “Amun is at the Head” or “Amun is the most important”. Amenemhat I ruled from 1991 BCE to 1962 BCE.



Isaac (son of Abraham and Sarah) and Rebekah were the parents of Esau and Jacob.



Jacob (son of Isaac and Rebekah, grandson of Abraham and Sarah) was the father of 12 sons and one daughter: Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Judah, Dan, Naphtali, Gad, Asher, Issachar, Zebulun, daughter Dinah, Joseph, and Benjamin. Jacob’s first wife was Leah. Before the birth of Benjamin, a god named El ordered Jacob to change his name into Isra-El, meaning “El rules”.



Levi (third oldest son of Jacob) was the father of Kohath.



Kohath (son of Levi) was the father of Moses, Miriam, and Aaron.



Moses (son of Amran)


Biblical scholars assume that at 2370 BCE the Deluge occurred. Noah and his family belonged to the first generation after the Deluge. Abraham was the tenth generation from Noah through Shem and was said to be born 352 years after the Deluge, which would than have been in 2018 BCE. Does this dating make any sense? And did all the characters really exist? And what about their longevity? Did, for instance, Methuselah really live for 969 years? Let us have a look at the historical account of the ancient Egypt.



The Eighteenth Dynasty of Egypt


Ahmose I was the first Pharaoh and founder of the Eighteenth dynasty of Egypt. He ruled from 1549 BCE until 1524 BCE. The name “Ahmose” means “Born of Iah”, where “Iah” (also transliterated as Ah, Yah, or Jah) is the Ancient Egyptian name of the Moon God(dess). Like most Pharaohs before him, he married also several of his sisters. After the first two sons of his first wife, Ahmose-Nefertari, died, Amenhotep I became heir to the throne. Until he was old enough, his mother was regent for him, after her husband died.


Amenhotep I was the second Pharaoh of the Eighteenth dynasty of Egypt. He ruled from 1524 BCE until 1503 BCE. The name “Amenhotep” means “Amon is satisfied”, where Amon or Amen (also Amun) is the Ancient Egyptian name of the God of the Wind, who was in those days considered to be the King of the Gods. Amenhotep I married his sister Ahmose-Meritamon, who died young. His successor, Thutmose I, was born from a woman named Senseneb, who might have been a concubine. It is unclear if Amenhotep I was the father.


Thutmose I was the third Pharaoh of the Eighteenth dynasty of Egypt. He ruled from 1503 BCE until 1493 BCE. The name “Thutmose” means “Born of Thoth”, where Thut or Thoth (also Djehuty, Jehuti, Tahuti, Tehuti, Zehuti, Techu, Tetu, or Lord of the Khemenu) is the Ancient Egyptian name of God(dess) of Magic, Wisdom, and Writing. The Ancient Greek translated “Thoth” into Hermes Trismegistos (or Trismegistus in English), meaning “Thrice Great Hermes”. The Ancient Romans named this God(dess) “Mercury”. From Thutmose I’s marriage with his first wife named Ahmose a daughter was born in 1508 BCE, named Hatshepsut. From Thutmose I’s marriage with his second wife named Mutnofret a son was born, named Thutmose II. The name “Mutnofret” means “Mut is Beautiful”, where “Mut” (also Maut or Mout) is the Ancient Egyptian name of the Queen of the Goddesses and the Lady of Heaven.


Thutmose II was the fourth Pharaoh of the Eighteenth dynasty of Egypt. He ruled from 1493 BCE until 1479 BCE. He married his sister Hatshepsut, who probably was the actual ruler, even when he was still alive. The second wife of Thutmose II was Iset, who was named after Isis, the Ancient Egyptian name of the Goddess of Motherhood, Magic and Fertility. In 1481 BCE, Iset gave birth to son, named Thutmose III. About two years later, Thutmose II died. As his son Thutmose III was then still a tot, Hatshepsut became the next Pharaoh. Only after his step-mother and aunt Hatshepsut died (at the age of 50), Thutmose III became the following Pharaoh (at the age of 23).


Hatshepsut was the fifth Pharaoh of the Eighteenth dynasty of Egypt. She ruled from 1479 BCE until 1458 BCE. The name “Hatshepsut” means “Foremost of Noble Ladies”.


Thutmose III was the sixth Pharaoh of the Eighteenth dynasty of Egypt. He ruled from 1458 BCE until 1425 BCE. He had many wives. His second wife named Merytre-Hatshepsut gave birth to Amenhotep II.


Amenhotep II was the seventh Pharaoh of the Eighteenth dynasty of Egypt. He ruled from 1425 BCE until 1398 BCE. He married Tiaa (or Tia'a) and their son’s name was Thutmose IV.


Thutmose IV was the eighth Pharaoh of the Eighteenth dynasty of Egypt. He ruled from 1398 BCE until 1388 BCE. He had many wives. His third wife named Mutemwiya gave birth to Amenhotep III.


Amenhotep III was the ninth pharaoh of the Eighteenth dynasty of Egypt. He ruled from June 1388 BCE to December 1351 BCE. His reign was a period of unprecedented prosperity and artistic splendour, when Egypt reached the peak of her international power. He had many wives. His first wife named Tiye (also spelled Taia, Tiy, or Tiyi), who lived from about 1398 BCE until 1338 BCE, gave around 1380 BCE birth to a boy named Amenhotep IV.


Amenhotep IV was the ninth pharaoh of the Eighteenth dynasty of Egypt. He ruled from December 1351 BCE until 1334 BCE. In 1346 BCE, he changed his name to Akhenaten (also spelled Akhenaton, Echnaton, Ikhnaton, or Khuenaten). The Egyptian name “Akhenatenmeans “Servant of Aten” or “One who is effective for Aten”, where “Aten” (also Aton) is the name to the disk of the sun Helios. Though this disk was never depicted, it clearly is a reference to the Zodiac. Together with him changing his name, he created monotheism (as opposed to the hundreds of gods worshiped in Egypt before his decree). He also moved the empire's capital from Thebes to the city he named “Akhetaten”, meaning “Place of Aten's Power” or “Horizon of Aten”.


Akhenaten (previously known as Amenhotep IV) had many wives. His first wife was Nefertiti, who lived from about 1370 BCE until about 1330 BCE. In about 1341 BCE, a son was born. Whether Nefertiti, who was then about 29 years old, was his mother, in unclear. This baby boy was named “Tutankhaten”, meaning “Living Image of Aten (Tut-Ankh-Aten)”. Later, when this boy became Pharaoh (at the age of 9 years old), his name changed into Tut-Ankh-Amun meaning “Living Image of Amun”. He ruled from 1332 BCE until 1323 BCE. He died at the age of 18 years. This name change concurred with undoing all his fathers work of placing Aten as the Ruling God.


When we compare the facts mentioned in the biblical story with the facts recorded by the Ancient Egyptians, it becomes clear that the Pharaoh who ruled during the so-called Ten Plagues was Amenhotep III. That means that Mozes was his son Amenhotep IV. However, we must not take the Exodus led by Moses literally. When Amenhotep IV (in about 1341 BCE) placed himself under God symbolized by Aten, he changed his name in “Servant of God” and he showed the Way to the Promised Land. Everyone who places himself under God becomes part of the God’s Chosen People. This does not mean that God chose these people over other people. This means that these people chose to serve God over all other gods! Akhenaten showed his fellow-men how to become a Servant-King.


As a Pharaoh, Akhenaten had the opportunity to spread this true worshipping of God. After his death, both Smenkhkare and Neferneferuaten ruled Egypt successively only for one or two years each. Both tried to continue in the same manner as Akhenaten. Both were probably murdered by the priesthood, who lost all their powers during the reign of Akhenaten. By placing a 9 years old boy on the throne, the priesthood hoped to regain their powers. That is why this boy’s name of Tut-Ankh-Aten was changed into Tut-Ankh-Amun.


When Tutankhamun died (at the age of 18 years old), Ay held the throne of Egypt for a brief four-year period (from 1323 BCE until 1319 BCE). He was said to be the power behind the throne during Tutankhamun’s reign, as he was also a close advisor of both Smenkhkare and Neferneferuaten.


After Ay’s death, Horemheb became the fifteenth and last pharaoh of the Eighteenth dynasty of Egypt. The name “Horemheb” (also spelled Horemhab or Haremhab) means “Horus is in Jubilation”. He ruled from 1319 BCE to late 1292 BCE. Before he became Pharaoh, Horemheb, who was of so-called common birth, was the commander in chief of the army under the reigns of Tutankamun and Ay. After his accession to the throne, he completely undid the Great Work of Akhenaten (a.k.a. Moses). Horemheb also demolished monuments of Akhenaten, reusing their remains in his own building projects, and usurped monuments of Tutankhamun and Ay. Horemheb presumably remained childless since he appointed his vizier Paramesse as his successor, who would assume the throne as Ramesses I, the founding Pharaoh of Ancient Egypt’s Nineteenth dynasty.



Around the middle ages


Around the middle ages, the Pirates discovered, to their dismay, that there was an invisible grid surrounding Terra killing all biologic life forms that try to get by. Theyt realized that they needed a new strategy to get out of their newly-discovered prison. Instead of preventing humans to develop knowledge about the nature of reality, which they had done from the re-start in Sumer, the Pirates now suddenly created universities to make use of the brightest brains as much as possible. As the Cleaners constructed the Quarantine Grid, the Pirates reasoned that there also much be a way to deconstruct it. That is the true reason for the sudden “Renaissance” starting in the fifteenth century. For thousands of years, the Pirates had detached mankind from knowledge. Suddenly, a lot of knowledge was no longer suppressed.


All of man’s more modern history can be easily understood when we take the prehistory, as is explained above, into account. The Pirates also started to gradually release the knowledge required for technological innovations. For those who can see, it is totally clear that the Pirates are fully determining the focus of our technological innovation ever since. Why did we race to get into space? The Pirates also proved to be capable of nuking two cities (just like the Cleaners did). Totally unnecessary, as the Japanese were about to surrender, the Pirates order the dropping of atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945. The Pirates also tried to nuke the quarantine grid, causing the problems with the ozone layer. After that, they desperately tried to destroy the quarantine grid by means of the radiation produced by the HAARP facilities. All these efforts have failed. Now their focus has shifted towards genetics, robotics, and virtual reality. Their current tactics is to merge man with machine, hoping that this trans-human being will be able to pass through the quarantine grid.


Do we humans tamely move along with this unnatural trans-humanistic agenda? Or do we see the Bigger Picture, and will we do whatever is required to free humanity from its virus infection by the psychopathic Pirates?


Some confused alternative researchers claim that Luna is an artificial moon. They believe Luna to be an alien space station. Who buys into that is not suitable for studying Wholly Science. Luna is older then Terra, because Luna used to be a moon of Tiamat even before Terra arose, about 4.5 billion years ago.


No doubt that the USA’s National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) gave ground for all sort of wild speculations. NASA is a department of the Executive Branch, ultimately answerable solely to the President of the USA. With is Hubble telescope, NASA is able to produce high-quality full-color pictures of far-away galaxies, but NASA has never released any full-color picture of Luna. The Pirates assume that the device that maintains the Quarantine Grid is somewhere on Luna. That is why there was such a rush to get to Luna. Suddenly, NASA seems to have lost interest in Luna, so perhaps that device is not there?



Planet and their moons

The relative sizes of the moons of our solar system support the claims made above. Below, in parentheses, the diameters of the planets and their moons are shown in kilometers. Each moon’s diameter is also represented as a percentage of the diameter of the planet it is orbiting.


Mars (6,794) has 2 moons:

o       Phobos (22 / 0.3%)

o       Deimos (13 / 0.2%)


Jupiter (142,984) has, next to 63 smaller moons, 4 larger moons:

o       Ganymede (5,262 / 3.7%)

o       Callisto (4,821 / 3.4%)

o       Io (3,660 / 2.6%)

o       Europa (3,122 / 2.2%)


Saturn (120,536) has, next to at least 54 tiny moons, 1 large moon and 6 smaller moons:

o       Titan (5,151 / 4.2 %)

o       Rhea (1,527 / 1.3%)

o       Iapetus (1,469 / 1.2%)

o       Dione (1,123 / 0.9%)

o       Tethys (1,062 / 0.9%)

o       Enceladus (504 / 0.4%)

o       Mimas (396 / 0.3%)


Uranus (51,118) has, next to 22 smaller moons, 5 larger moons:

o       Titania (1,577 / 3.1%)

o       Oberon (1,523 / 3.0%)

o       Umbriel (1,169 / 2.3%)

o       Ariel (1,158 / 2.3%)

o       Miranda (472 / 0.9%)


Neptune (49,532) has, next to 11 tiny moons, 1 larger moon and 2 smaller moons:

o       Triton (2,705 / 5.5%)

o       Proteus (420 / 0.8%)

o       Nereid (340 / 0.7%)


Triton is relatively the largest moon, with a diameter of about 1/20 of the diameter of the planet it is orbiting. If Luna would be a natural moon of Terra, then this ratio would be 27.2% or nearly 1/3. Anyone can therefore conclude that Luna is not a natural moon of Terra (more on strange lunar facts: link). Let us assume that Luna used to be a moon of Tiamat, just like Pluto, its neighbor Eris, and Ceres, orbiting amidst the asteroid belt, as stated above. Around Pluto, there are currently five orbiting satellites, one of which (named Charon), has a diameter more then half of the one of Pluto. Most likely, also Charon used to be a moon of Tiamat. The same is probably also true for the celestial body (named Dysnomia) orbiting Eris.


Tiamat (191,340) probably used to have as its moons (next to possibly others):

o       Luna (3,473 / 1.8%), also known as Kingu

o       Eris (2,326 / 1.2%)

o       Pluto (2,306 / 1.2%)

o       Charon (1,207 / 0.6%)

o       Ceres (974,6 / 0.5%)

o       Dysnomia (450 / 0.2%)


These numbers are not hard. The estimated diameter of Tiamat is simply the diameter of Terra multiplied with 15. However, the percentages are now strikingly normal.


The sun Helios (1,392,684) used to have 10 orbiting planets:

o       Tiamat (191,340 / 13.7%)

o       Jupiter (142,984 / 10.2%)

o       Saturn (120,536 / 8.6%)

o       Uranus (51,118/ 3.7%)

o       Neptune (49,532 / 3.5%)

o       Terra (12,756 / 0.9%)

o       Venus (12,104 / 0.8%)

o       Mars (6,794 / 0.5%)

o       Mercury (4,880 / 0.4%)


Though Pluto and Eris have orbiting bodies, both Mercury and Venus have none. Mars might then have two moons, but they are very tiny. Probably Tiamat used to be the first planet (counted from the center of our solar system) with moons. The current “moons” of Mars are most likely remains of Tiamat, and even Mercury could have been a moon of Tiamat.


The facts do not lie. However, we cannot say the same about NASA, which is also known as the abbreviation of “Never A Straight Answer”.



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