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Lunar Year Astrology

The Wholly Science Guide To The Chinese Zodiac

Pateo, 2nd Digital Edition (2018/05/30), 1st Digital Edition (2017/01/11), ISBN 978-94-90765-20-0, 24 pages

Next to the annual cycle of the four seasons, referred to as the solar cycle, also the lunar cycle plays a major role in the universal interplay of cosmic energies. Lunar Year Astrology, also known as the “Chinese Zodiac”, is precisely tracking both the solar cycles and the lunar cycles. That is why each new lunar year always start at the day of a new moon. To be more precise, the lunar year always starts at the second new moon after the day of the winter solstice. In his eleventh book originally written in English, all-round scientist Johan Oldenkamp explains the logic of Lunar Year Astrology.

How to order

This ebook is available for € 10 (or the equivalent of this amount in several other currencies). To order this ebook, send an email message to: Webshop @ Pateo.NL (without spaces), and please simultaneously transfer this amount of money (or first ask for the necessary information for the preferred payment method).

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This book is also available in Dutch.

© Pateo.NL : This page was last updated on 2022/07/08.