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Are you really at your wits's end?

If you are really at your wit’s end, then I hereby very much congratulate you for finding this webpage.

Which of the following descriptions apply to you?

Only if all four of these statements apply to you, then you have come to the right place. If not, then look further first, and only come back when you can say “Yes! Absolutely!” to each of these four statements without any hesitation.

As soon as you are ready for this, you can contact me directly, so that I can explain to you what to do to move forward towards a complete liberation of yourself. This is however not theory, but practice from the very start. If you need more theory first, then start with the Wholly Science Video Course, and then continue with the Wholly Science Education Program.

In your message to me, at least mention which ways you have tried so far, and what the complete liberation of yourself is worth to you. In other words, what are you willing to do and to pay in order to achieve this. Be as explicit as possible. Based on this, I determine whether I can and want to help you learn to free yourself.

This webpage is also available in Dutch.

© Pateo.NL : This page was last updated on 2024/09/18.