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The claim by Carl P. Munck that one of the intentions of the Ancient Builders of megalithic sites was to educate future mankind in extraordinary arithmetic might very well be true. However, next to many mistakes, he also got lost in his own delusions, in which he discretionarily picks the required calculation to end up with the intended outcome. His arbitrary method of number crunching became known as “archaeocryptography”. After Carl Munck retired in the late 1970s from the military in the USA, researching this became his life work. In 1994, he recorded a video presentation about his findings, to which he gave the title of “The Code”, as embedded below. First, the most serious mistakes made by Carl Munck are shown.
The archaeological site located on the southern shore of the Lake Texcoco in the southeastern Valley of Mexico (nowadays in the borough of Tlalpan in Mexico City) is named Cuicuilco. In his video presentation, Munck states that the latitude of this site is 19° 18′ 1.52631″, while its real latitude is about 4 seconds more, namely 19° 18′ 6″. As 1 second of arc latitude corresponds to 101.27 feet or 30.87 meters, he is off by about 400 feet or 120 meters. Next, in his arithmetic he multiplies degrees (°) with minutes (′) with seconds (″) of arc. By applying this to 19° 18′ 1.52631″, he claimed that this results in 360, while the correct answer is 520. This error clearly shows his way of working, as he used in his calculation 1.052631″ instead of 1.52631″. It seems he makes up the latitudes in such a way that the multiplication becomes meaningful (to him).
When discussing Stonehenge, he refers to the inner structure as an “irrational” display, while in reality this display a clearly symmetric. Similarly, he claims that the orientation of the Great Sphinx would not be precisely from west to east, but about 4¼ degrees to the south. In reality, all maps and aerial photographs obviously disprove this false claim by Munck. Also for the apex of the Great Pyramid, he used an incorrect latitude. Instead of the correct one (29° 58′ 45.03″), Munck used 29° 58′ 51.0043″, which is in fact more then 200 feet or about 70 meters north of this pyramid’s base.
However, we must not throw away the baby with the bathwater. Carl Munck might have really found an entrance to the advanced mathematics of these Ancient Builders. However, Munck’s discretionary way of applying divisions or multiplications with “constants” is clearly not the way to go forward on this. If the Ancient Builders wanted us to crack this numbers puzzle, then the solution must be equally logical as beautiful. Furthermore, Munck’s frequent references to disinformer Richard Hoagland discredited him even further.
This webpage was written by Johan Oldenkamp.
© Pateo.NL : This page was last updated on 2017/08/22.