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True Human History

Pateo TV

Pateo TV, Ep. 8

According to the Sumerian Gilgamesh Epic, there once was a huge flood. Allegedly, Ziusudra, hero of that ancient story – also known as Noah in the Book of Genesis – managed to survive this so-called deluge. Was this actually a historic event? And if so, then when did it happen exactly? Furthermore, Plato from ancient Greece wrote about the fall of Atlantis. Again, was this truly an historic event? And then, if so, when did it happen?

In this eighth live online broadcast of Pateo TV, host Johan Oldenkamp scientifically proved that both historical events really occurred, and he also accurately showed when both incidents actually happened. In fact, the evidence that he provided in this live program is so conclusive, that all existing books on the origin of human history now have to be completely rewritten. Therefore please share this information in order to make this happen!

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© Pateo.NL : This page was last updated on 2017/01/08.