Pateo, 2nd Digital Edition (2018/05/30), 1st Digital Edition (2017/12/20), ISBN 978-94-90765-26-2, 36 pages
Genuine Psychology is the Science (Logos) of the influence by the subconscious mind (Psyche or Soul) on the conscious mind. The personality is a result of this influence. In fact, the personality is the false self that masks our True Self. The Enneagram offers a structured method to not only study the features of each psychological mask or personality type, but also to transcend it.
This is not just another book describing the personality types according to the Enneagram. Thanks to his understanding of Wholly Science, psychologist Dr. Johan Oldenkamp explains in this book the origin of each of the nine Enneagram personality types.
This ebook is available for € 10 (or the equivalent of this amount in several other currencies). To order this ebook, send an email message to: Webshop @ Pateo.NL (without spaces), and please simultaneously transfer this amount of money (or first ask for the necessary information for the preferred payment method).
The deeper, underlying logic of the Enneagram is explained in a follow-up book.
This book is also available in Dutch.
© Pateo.NL : This webpage was last updated on 2022/07/08.