Pateo, 2nd Digital Edition (2018/05/30), 1st Digital Edition (2018/01/02), ISBN 978-94-90765-27-9, 20 pages
Humourology distinguishes four basic humours: sanguine, phlegmatic, choleric, and melancholic. Until the pharmaceutical industry corrupted mainstream health care, physicians had been successfully practicing Humourology for more then 2200 years! In this book, Wholly Science founder Johan Oldenkamp restores this ancient practice by first explaining the essential differences between these four basic temperaments.
This ebook is available for € 10 (or the equivalent of this amount in several other currencies). To order this ebook, send an email message to: Webshop @ Pateo.NL (without spaces), and please simultaneously transfer this amount of money (or first ask for the necessary information for the preferred payment method).
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