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Natascha Leimbigler

Natascha Leimbigler

Natascha Leimbigler is a delusional new ager who believes in all sorts of deliberate nonsense such as “ascension to the fifth dimension”, “reptilian aliens”, and “the lost continent of Lemuria”. She allegedly “checks” her fantasied claims by “accessing” the Akashic Records, not realizing that this is nothing but self-conceived confirmation. She refers to herself as “The Empress of Wands” and “Cosmic Empress”, suggesting that this highflyer would have any idea about the true meaning of the Tarot. Furthermore, she openly builds on the “revelations” by disinformer Frits Springmeier (1955). She has a website and a youtube channel.

This webpage was written by Johan Oldenkamp.

© Pateo.NL : This page was last updated on 2020/04/25.