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Insight into Dynamics

On Forces and Roles

Insight into Dynamics : On Forces and Roles

1st Digital Edition (2024/03/29), 978-94-90765-39-2, 87 pages

The primary target group for this extraordinary book consists of Wholly Science students who have transitioned from the Theory Group to the Work Group. It serves as a reference work for them, because it contains concise overviews of the most important theory. This book is therefore also called the Wholly Science Bible. It has a different format, namely no portrait A5 pages, but landscape A4 pages, that are suitable for printing.

Insight into Dynamics’ is the 61st book by Wholly Science founder Johan Oldenkamp. The core of this reference work is about forces and the dynamic roles they can fulfill.

To give an impression of the contents of this book: The questions asked in the video below are answered in this Wholly Science Bible.


Only Wholly Science students who have achieved at least Level 6 of the Wholly Science Education Program can order this reference work.

For Wholly Science students at Level 8, the price of this unique book is only € 100. At each lower level, this price is ten times that. To order it, send a message to: Webshop @ Pateo.NL (without spaces), together with transferring of the total amount due.

Wholly Science students at Level 8 are members of the Work Group, as explained in the video below.


Master G.I. Gurdjieff (1872 – 1949) has deliberately made the theory of his Fourth Way difficult, and even added some errors to it, in order to prevent lazy students who are not yet ready for this from reaching too high a consciousness. This danger is enormous in real spiritual development (unlike almost everything that is promoted as such), after which the student in question ends up between two stools. Master Gurdjieff did not want to be responsible for that, and neither do I. However, my intention with this book is to present the theory of Ascension as simply as possible and completely error-free. My reason for this is that the books about genuine Ascension (such as various Fourth Way books) serve at most as B-influences. After the physical death of Master Gurdjieff, and in fact already after his near-fatal car accident in 1924, there were no more C-influences within the Fourth Way, and certainly not anymore today. However, my aim is to be able to work with these C-influences again. That is why I encourage everyone to first become a Wholly Science student, and then progress through the Study Group and next the Theory Group to the Work Group, in order to receive these C-influences there. Are you ready for that in your current life?

This book is also available in Dutch.

© Pateo.NL : This webpage was last updated on 2024/04/05.