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Aeonial Misunderstanding

On Cracking The Bible Code

Aeonial Misunderstanding : On Cracking The Bible Code

Pateo, ISBN 978-94-90765-37-8, 1st Digital Edition (2024/05/09), 14 pages

The Bible is the most widely distributed book ever. The word ‘bible’ comes from the Ancient Greek τὰ βιβλία {ta biblia}, meaning ‘the books’. This bundling of books consists of two parts, which are referred to as the Old and New Testaments. The most common version of this collection consists of 66 “books” (more accurately referred to as texts or scriptures), the most recent of which were written at the beginning of the Aeon of Pisces. Since time immemorial, there have been differing views on whether certain writings belong to this bundling or not, as well as variation in the titles of various texts, as well as the order in which they were bundled. However, by far the greatest problem of the Bible is that the True Exegesis of the ‘Word of God’ is impossible without proper Esoteric Knowledge. Now, at the beginning of the next Aeon (namely that of Aquarius), it is high time to put an end to some two millennia of misunderstanding. In this book, Spiritual master teacher Johan Oldenkamp cracks the Bible code using Wholly Science.

The texts from the New Testament were created because at the time the texts from the Old Testament were taken literally, which prevented the ability to discover to their real meaning. We are now an Aeon later – with each Aeon lasting 6×6×6 decades – and we are dealing with the same problem again. The texts of the New Testament are also taken literally by Christian believers. Without the help of Wholly Science, getting to the genuine meaning of the entire Bible is therefore quite impossible.

If you really want to understand what God asks of us, then intensive Bible study is essential. For the Old Testament, however, it is crucial that the literal translation of the texts that the authors of the New Testament writings read (and frequently referred to) is studied. Any other version of these books is nothing but a Bible forgery. Likewise, virtually everything claimed about the history of the Bible is a mixture of distortions, omissions, lying additions, and outright manipulation. Nowhere do we see a clearer application of the ‘divide and conquer’ strategy, because in Christianity, which has been divided to the core, only lies reign.

In 2016, Dr. Oldenkamp started re-translating the Bible correctly from the original (Greek) source texts as Pateo’s Original Version (POV). He then also started writing its Exegesis verse by verse and chapter by chapter from 2021 onwards (after having done this orally for five years). He is not done with that yet, but he has already completely deciphered enough books to be able to say with certainty that he has cracked the Bible code thanks to his knowledge of Wholly Science.

After an Aeon full of incomprehension and misunderstanding of the Biblical texts, it is now high time that more and more people truly learn to understand the Word of God. For that purpose this book entitled ‘Aeonial Misunderstanding’ was written. That is why anyone who wants can buy this book up to and including the first chapter (titled Tetramorph) as an online PDF file for only € 7. No additional conditions apply for this.

However, anyone who wants to continue reading the second chapter must have nominated at least two people who have also purchased the first chapter and have mentioned the name of this referent. Next, referents will then automatically have access to the second chapter, provided that their personal details have been communicated to Pateo, so that an own private webpage can be created for convenient access to the chapters of this book.

Two new references are then needed for each subsequent chapter. In total, this book has seven chapters, which means that it requires a total of twelve referrals.

The current decline of Christianity has everything to do with the Aeonial misunderstanding revealed in this book. Will you contribute to the rehabilitation of the Word of God by interesting others in this revealing book, and therefore also in the Authentic Bible?


This price of this revealing ebook is only € 7. To order it, send an email message to: Webshop @ Pateo.NL (without spaces).

This book is also available in Dutch.

© Pateo.NL : This webpage was last updated on 2024/05/15.