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Introduction to Pateo.NL

Welcome page of

My name is Johan Oldenkamp, and I discovered that many things are not what they seem, and also that there is much more to this reality than commonly is assumed. In fact, as there is so much more or different, it is almost impossible for me to explain to you in just a few words what I have learned so far, during my many years of research.

On Tuesday evening, October 28th, 2008, I delivered my first public lecture on this, and I have been lecturing about this ever since. In every lecture, I try to choose the approach that enables the preferably entire audience to understand my research findings. For a hall full of people, I usually do this very successfully, if I may say so, and the same is true for my books, but achieving this also on the Internet turned out to be much more difficult. People who surf the Internet want to know immediately if it’s worth their precious time, which is of course very understandable. With that question in mind, I also visit other websites myself.

What is true?

But how do you tell Internet surfers that something that they’ve always considered to be true is actually false? And how do you do that in such a way that they do not immediately reject it? I am not talking about small errors here, no, I am addressing major falsehoods. What if almost everything that you always thought of as being true is revealed on this website as false? Can you handle this impartially and with an open mind?

What is the worst case scenario if you continue reading here? Suppose everything on this website is nonsense, then the worst thing that can happen to you is wasting your time. However, if you can prove that there are any falsehoods on this website, then please inform me about this. For any damage that proven false information caused to you, you can hold me accountable. Hopefully, with this promise, that risk is now sufficiently managed for you.

When you continue reading, you of course also face the risk of upsetting any or even all of your beliefs. Discovering that an assumed ‘truth’ is in reality a lie will probably hit you with a shock, which can trigger all sorts of emotions. One or more of these shocks can ultimately even change your entire worldview. My research showed me that almost nothing is what it seems. Many times, it even turns out to be the very opposite of what we initially thought it was.

What!? Is that really true?

Anyway, if you, for whatever reason, do not want to know about the true and larger reality, then that is your good right. In that case, please close this website. However, feel free to return at any time, after you have decided to start with ending ignorance.

Not wanting to know

In case you have already discovered that some things are incorrect, or that there is much more, then you face the risk that you have accepted one or more alternative views that are neither true. If you do thorough research yourself, then you will discover fundamental lies on top of which these alternative “truths” were built. Almost everyone who broke free form mainstream lies gets lost in the worldwide maze of alternative lies, deception, and disinformation. Also here is the problem that gullible people do not realize that they again were fooled.

Trapped in the maze of disinformation

Starting in the autumn of 2008, I am conducting full-time research on any subject of which I want to know the truth, and I do not limit my working week to 40 hours. Furthermore, my mind is working very well, allowing me often to quickly get to the heart of the matter. If you want to benefit for free from my many years of research, then consider this website as your (prefered) source of knowledge. It is packed with information, so take your time to get acquainted with it. In that case, I wish you lots of inspiration. You are advised to start at the start page of Pateo.NL.

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This welcome page of Pateo.NL is also available in Spanish, German, Italian, and Dutch.

© Pateo.NL : This page was last updated on 2022/05/18.