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6:1 | And it came to pass when the humans began to be numerous upon the earth, and daughters were born to them. |
2 | And the sons of God were beholding the daughters of the humans, that they were good; they took to themselves wives of all whom they chose. |
3 | And the Lord God said: “No way should My Spirit remain among with these humans, because they are flesh. And their days will be a hundred twenty years.” |
4 | But the giants were upon the earth in those days. And after that, the sons of God continually entered into the daughters of the humans, and procreated for themselves. Those were the giants, the ones from the Aeon, the renowned humans. |
5 | And the Lord God was beholding that the wickedness of the humans was multiplying upon the earth, and all that the human considered in his heart was being diligently upon the wicked things, all the days. |
6 | And God pondered that He made the human upon the earth, and He considered. |
7 | And God said: “I will wipe away the human whom I made from the face of the earth; from human unto beast, and from the creeping unto the winged of the heaven, for I repented that I made them.” |
8 | But Noë found favor before the Lord God. |
9 | And this is Noë’s creation: Noë was a just man; being perfect in his generation. Noë rendered good service to God. |
10 | And Noë procreated three sons: Sem, Cham, Japheth. |
11 | But the earth was corrupted before God, and the earth was filled with iniquity. |
12 | And the Lord God saw the earth, and it was being corrupted, because all flesh had corrupted its way upon the earth. |
13 | And the Lord God said to Noë: “It is time for every human to come before Me, because the earth is filled with iniquity by means of them. And behold, I deprave them, and the earth. |
14 | Make therefore for yourself a straight box of timber. Brood you shall make throughout the box, and you shall apply pitch to it; from inside and from outside with pitch. |
15 | And so you shall make the box: three hundred cubits the length of the box, and fifty cubits the width, and thirty cubits the height of it. |
16 | By an assembling, you shall make the box, and unto a cubit from above you shall complete it, but you shall make the door of the box from out of the side. You shall make it with ground floor, second storey, and third storey. |
17 | And behold, I bring a cataclysm of water upon the earth, to corrupt all flesh under the heaven in which is the breath of life. And as much as might be upon the earth shall come to an end. |
18 | And I will establish My Covenant with you. And you shall enter the box, you and your sons and your wife, and the wives of your sons with you. |
19 | And from all the cattle, and from all the creeping, and from all the wild beasts, and from all flesh, you shall bring all two [by] two into the box, that you may nurture them with yourself: male and female they shall be. |
20 | From all the fowl according to kind, and from all the cattle according to kind, and from all the creeping crawling upon the earth according to kind, two [by] two from all enter into you: male and female to be nurtured with you. |
21 | But you shall take to yourself from all of the foods which you shall eat, and you shall gather [them] together to yourself, and it shall be to you and to them to eat.” |
22 | And Noë did all; as much as the Lord God instructed him, so he did. |
7:1 | And the Lord God said to Noë: “Enter, you and all your house into the box, for I beheld you as righteous before Me in this generation. |
2 | And of the clean cattle, bring in for yourself seven [by] seven, male and female, but from the unclean cattle two [by] two, male and female; |
3 | and from clean winged of the heaven seven [by] seven, male and female; and from all unclean winged two [by] two, male and female, to maintain seed upon all the earth. |
4 | For yet seven days, I will bring rain upon the earth, forty days and forty nights. And I will wipe away every height which I have made from the face of all the earth.” |
5 | And Noë did all, as much as the Lord God instructed him. |
6 | And Noë was six hundred years [old], and the cataclysm of the water came upon the earth. |
7 | And Noë and his sons, and his wife, and the wives of his sons, entered with him into the box, because of the water of the cataclysm. |
8 | And from the clean winged, and from the unclean winged, and from the clean cattle, and from the unclean cattle, and from the wild beasts, and from all of the ones that are crawling upon the earth, |
9 | two [by] two they entered with Noë into the box; male and female, as God instructed him. |
10 | And it came to pass after the seven days, and the water of the cataclysm came upon the earth. |
11 | In the six hundredth year in the life of Noë, in the second month, on the twenty-seventh day of the month, [on] this day, all the fountains of the abyss broke forth, and the waterfalls of the heaven were opened. |
12 | And rain was upon the earth, forty days and forty nights. |
13 | In this day entered Noë, Sem, Cham, Japheth, the sons of Noë, and the wife of Noë, and the three wives of his sons with him into the box. |
14 | And all the wild beasts, according to kind, and all the cattle, according to kind, and every creeping stirring upon the earth, according to kind, and every winged, according to kind, |
15 | they entered with Noë into the box, two [by] two, male and female, from all flesh in which there is the breath of life. |
16 | And the ones entering, male and female, from all flesh, entered as God instructed Noë. And the Lord God closed the box from outside of it. |
17 | And the cataclysm came to pass, forty days and forty nights. And the water multiplied and lifted up the box, and raised it up high from the earth. |
18 | And the water prevailed and multiplied exceedingly upon the earth. And the box was borne upon the water. |
19 | But the water prevailed exceedingly, exceedingly upon the earth, and covered all the high mountains which were under the heaven. |
20 | Fifteen cubits upwards was the water raised, and it covered all the high mountains. |
21 | And there died all flesh moving upon the earth, of the winged, and of the cattle, and from the wild beasts, and every creeping stirring upon the earth, and every human, |
22 | and all as much as have the breath of life, and all which was upon the dry [land], died. |
23 | And He wiped away every height which was upon the face of all the earth, from human unto beast, and the creeping, and the winged of the heaven, and they were wiped away from the earth. And He left behind only Noë and the ones with him in the box. |
24 | And the water was raised up high from the earth, a hundred fifty days. |
8:1 | And God remembered Noë, and all of the wild beasts, and all of the cattle, and all of the winged, and all of the crawling, as much as were with him in the box, and God brought a wind upon the earth, and the water abated. |
2 | And the fountains of the abyss were revealed, and the waterfalls of the heaven, and the rain from the heaven was constrained. |
3 | And the water gave way, going from the earth, and after fifty and a hundred days the water was lessened. |
4 | And the box rested in the seventh month, on the twenty-seventh day of the month, upon the mountains of Ararat. |
5 | And the water continued to decrease until the tenth month. In the first day of the [tenth] month, the heads of the mountains appeared. |
6 | And it came to pass after forty days, Noë opened the window of the box which he had made. And he sent forth the crow to see if the water abated. |
7 | And going forth, it returned not until the drying of the water from the earth. |
8 | And he sent the dove after it, to see if the water abated from the earth. |
9 | And the dove not having found rest for her feet, returned to him into the box, because the water was on all the face of the earth. And he stretched out his hand and he took her to himself, and brought her inside into the box. |
10 | And waited still another seven days, he again sent forth the dove from the box. |
11 | And the dove returned to him, and she had a leaf of olive, a sprig in her mouth, and Noë knew that the water abated from the earth. |
12 | And waiting still another seven days, he again sent forth the dove, and she proceeded not to return to him again. |
13 | And it came to pass in the six hundred and first year of the life of Noë, in the first month, on the first day of the month, the water subsided from the earth. And Noë opened the covering of the box which he made. And he saw that the water subsided from the face of the earth. |
14 | And in the second month, on the twenty-seventh day of the month, the earth was dried. |
15 | And the Lord God spoke to Noë, saying: |
16 | “Come forth from out the box, you and your wife, and your sons, and the wives of your sons with you. |
17 | And all flesh from winged unto cattle, and every creeping stirring upon the earth, lead out with yourself. And grow and multiply upon the earth.” |
18 | And Noë came forth, and his wife, and his sons, and the wives of his sons with him. |
19 | And all the wild beasts, and all the cattle and every winged, and every creeping stirring upon the earth, according to their kind, came forth from the box. |
20 | And Noë built an altar to the Lord. And took from all the clean cattle, and from all the clean winged, and offered [them] for a whole-burnt-offering {Wholly Sacrifice} upon the altar. |
21 | And the Lord smelled the smell of pleasant aroma. And in considering, the Lord God said: “I will not add yet to curse the earth on account of the works of the humans, because the thought of the human clings upon the wicked things from his youth. I will not add then still to strike all living flesh as I did. |
22 | All the days of the earth, seed and harvest, chilliness and sweltering heat, summer and spring, day and night, [these] will not be caused to cease.” |
This fifth story from the Book of Genesis, translated by Johan Oldenkamp, is also available in Greek, Spanish, German, and Dutch.
© Pateo.NL : This page was last updated on 2020/11/19.